Page 133 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 133


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                         •  POSTAGE  :

                                         Major D.  I.  Kerr,

                                               Chief of Police


                                                                 St.  Lucia.

                An underpaid  envelope from Port of Spain  in  Trinidad  incorrectly addressed to  “Sactries”,  St
         Lucia. It was franked with  Id adhesive on an envelope sent from St Joseph when the rate was  1  Vid. On
         arrival in Castries on 21st July 1932 the Chief of Police was fined Id with a blue Postage Due adhesive.

                 ARTHUR  IIUSKISSON
                 St. Joseph,  Trinidad,  B. WJL

                 An envelope  sent from  St Joseph  in  Trinidad  to  Georgetown,  British  Guiana.  It was franked
          with a 3  cents adhesive from the new George VI  set which was cancelled on  18th December  1939. It was
          endorsed with Arthur Huskisson’s Postal Permit number, and presumably contained  stamps which under
          the financial regulations imposed by the war would have been illegal to export without it.
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