Page 136 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 136



                 She was originally built for the Shire Line as Carmarthenshire and grossed 2 726 tons  She
          was sold to Trinidad Shipping in 1901. (Not known to Haws; ex the Ships List)


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                 A cover addressed to Nova  Scotia which was franked with a  Id Trinidad adhesive paying
          the Imperial letter rate. This was cancelled in Tunapuna and then in Port of Snain on  19th Spntpmhpr
          1901. The cover was back stamped in Halifax on the 23rd, a transit of 11  days            P


                 A newspaper wrapper franked Vid addressed to New York. Nominated to go on “G renada”
          the adhesive was cancelled in Port of Spain on 24th September  1902. The cover carries a cachet of
          a Forwarding Agent, Julian Archer, but it is probable that the cover originated with him.
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