Page 137 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 137


                                                  “MARAVAL  I”

                  Hawes records that when “Irrawaddy” was sold to the Trinidad Shipping and Trading Co in
           1914 she was renamed “Maraval”, but she must have replaced an earlier steamer also named
           “Maraval”. One of the two covers below dates from significantly earlier, and a previous owner
           included a note recording that she was built in 1882 and measured 2,569 gross tons

                  Two covers to New York carried by “Maraval”. The first from Port of Spain was franked
           with a 2 'Ad Trinidad adhesive which was cancelled on 13th November 1902. It arrived in New York
           on the 21st .The second  cover was franked with a 'Ad and 2 x  Id adhesives from Granada which
           were cancelled there on  19th November 1914. This must have been either the final voyage of the
           first “Maraval” or a very early voyage of the second, as the purchase took place in 1914.
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