Page 138 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 138



                            42  West Broadway.

                                                      New  York.

                  Two covers from St Thomas franked with Frederick VIII adhesives from the Danish West
           Indies addressed to New York. The first was franked with 3 x 5 bit and 40 bit adhesives which were
           cancelled on 26th January  1914. The cover was sent by H Michelsen, a dealer in Bay Rum and
           Florida Water to New York, and was nominated to go on the “Guiana” but carries no arrival back
                  The second is an official Quebec Steamship Co. envelope which was franked with 5 bit and
           2 x  10 bit adhesives. They were cancelled on 21st June  1911, the cover arriving at Perry, New York
           State on the 29th, a transit of 8 days.
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