Page 139 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 139



                  She was built by Oswald & Co  in Sunderland and grossed only 670 tons.  She was designed
           as a collier for J.L. Livesay.  In  1874 she was sold to the Quebec and Gulf Ports S.S. Co. for whom
           she  was  re-engined  in  1880  and  her  yards  removed.  In  1891  she  was  registered  in  Bermuda  and
           recorded  as  being  on  the  New  York  service.  In  the  late  1890’s  she  was  sold  and  then  resold  to
           owners in Bermuda, and was finally broken up there in 1901.

                                                                    T B A R B A D O S   I ^ B A R B A D O S :

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                                                                                 F O U J U g H - L l

                  A cover addressed to Philadelphia, franked with 2 x 4d Barbadian adhesives paying a double
           !/2 oz rate which were cancelled by a boot heel duplex on  10th July  1883.  The cover was  landed in
           New York on the 23  and back stamped in Philadelphia a day later, a transit of 14 days.
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