Page 15 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 15

                                                  SHIP LETTERS

                   An entire from Morant Bay, Jamaica addressed to London endorsed to go on the Friendship,
            Capt.  Thomson  Q.D.C.  It was written on 27th April  1774 and was  landed at  Dartmouth  where it
            was  struck  with Tabeart  SI.  Dartmouth was one  of the earliest ports to  receive a Ship  Letter hand
            stamp.  The cover was back  stamped by  a Bishop  Mark  on 27th  June and  charged  9d  as  a double
            letter -  Id Ship letter and.  2 x 4d for over 80 miles.

                   An entire concerned with shipments of sugar from Grenada written on 31st July  1784 which
            arrived after the Act that implemented changes to the inland rates on 31st August of that year.  It was
            sent on the “Mary”, Capt.  Boyd, and on arrival was struck with a plain “SHIP” mark in Greenock
            (Tabeart SI). It was charged 5d to Glasgow which was a single rate under the new Act -  Id ship
            and 4d for two post stages.
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