Page 16 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 16


                                                  SHIP LETTERS

                   A  cover  that  originated  in  Montego  Bay,  Jamaica  on  25th  July  1794.  On  arrival  in
            Whitehaven  it  was  struck  with  Robertson  SI,  16  years  earlier  than  previously  recorded.
            Although heavy it was a single letter and was charged l/3d. It went almost 600 miles out of its
            way  to  London  on  its  way  to  Edinburgh  being  charged  Id  ship,  6d  to  London  and  8d  from
            London to Edinburgh. Arrival on 28th October meant a transit of 95 days.

                   An  entire  from  the  Ashbumer  correspondence  written  on  10th  May  1795,  sent  from
           Barbados by the “Venus in the Fleet that leaves this day”. On landing at Lancaster it was struck
           with a plain SHIP mark (Robertson SI) and the town’s circular hand stamp. It was charged 3d for
           the  transit  to  Ulverston  across  Morecambe  Bay  at  low  tide -   Id  ship  and  2d  for  what  was
           considered to be one post stage.
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