Page 18 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 18

                                                  SHIP LETTERS

                  The  London  Ship  Letter  office  was  established  in  1799  and  a  differential  rate  of  4d
           established for letters that were considered to originate from Post Offices under British control.
           This was normally indicated  by a crown  mark, the  Id  rate continuing to be used  in conjunction
           with a straight-line mark

                  An  entire  written  at  Port  Morant,  Jamaica  on  26th  April  1802  and  endorsed  “Favord  by
           Captain  Kent of the Charlotte”. In the  U.K. it was struck by a Dover crown ship letter (Tabeart S6)
           and  therefore  charged  4d,  plus  6d  inland  for  72  miles,  a  total  of  lOd.  It  arrived  at  the  Jamaica
           Coffee House in London on 15tn July, a transit of 82 days.
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