Page 88 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 88


                A cover franked with 5 x Vid on Id provisionals paying the correct 1  oz U.P.U. rate to New
         York.  The  adhesives  were  cancelled  in  Georgetown  on  26th  November  1907by  Type  4  and  back
         stamped in Kingston on 4th December. There is no arrival date in the U .S.A .  Ex Prappas, Maisel & Stem.

                           London  F.S.
                           No   5918

                                             / / .


                                                                                   X /pLtm ■  S. &S

                 A cover franked with  Id on 5/- and 4d adhesives cancelled in Georgetown by Type 5  on  18th
          July  1909,  The adhesives  paid  a 3 oz  registered  rate to the U.K. The franking and the date suggest
          the cover was pre-franked in the U.K.  and sent back to the Cayman to be converted into used.  It went
          through Kingston on the 22nd and arrived in Brixton, London on 3rd August. Ex Green, Maisel & Stern.
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