Page 89 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 89

THE p r o v isio n a l s

                                                              A piece franked with ‘Ad on 5s and 2 x Id on
                                                            5s adhesives, the 2nd Id having a dented frame,
                                                             cancelled  in Georgetown on 4.12.07. E.

                             292,  BIRCHFIELD  ROAD.



                A  large piece  franked with a  pair of ‘Ad  on  5/-  paying the Empire ‘A  oz  rate cancelled  on
        the first day  of use, 25th  November  1907.  It was addressed to  WT  Wilson in Birmingham where it
        arrived on the  19th December.  It was carried by Imperial Direct’s “Port Royal” E. Ex Marston, Cooley
        & Maisel.  Wilson  expected  to  receive copies of the ‘Ad  on  Id  in  the above envelope  but these had
        sold  out. When  received  he  knew  nothing of the  ‘Ad  on  5/-.  He  immediately pre-franked the  pre­
        addressed envelope,  and sent  it to the  Cayman with a request  for more.  His  envelope  was  returned,
        cancelled in Georgetown on 4th February  1908 without the requested adhesives, as they also had sold
        out. The 2 ‘Ad on 4d was created 8 days later. The cover went through Kingston on the  13th and Bristol
        per Imperial  Direct’s  “Port Antonio”  on the  26th-  a transit of 22  days.  Twenty three covers  are
         known franked with the ‘Ad on 5/- and  Id on 5/- provisionals. Ex Prappas & Maisel.
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