Page 92 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 92


               Due to the Commissioner’s  predilection for ordering stamps in  miserly quantities the stocks
        of low value stamps were exhausted  in  May and  in October  1908.  He had  strict instructions  not to
       issue any more provisional adhesives for postal purposes so he resorted to a surcharge of a Id on 4d
       for fiscal purposes, and to manuscript provisionals for postage.

               The number of manuscript provisionals that have survived from the episode in May 1908 is
        less than a dozen.  This cover paid Id to Jamaica and was endorsed accordingly by Miss Parsons.  It
        was posted on 28th May, arrived in Kingston on 2nd June and Mandeville a day later  Ex Byl & Freeland.

                                                          Herrn  August  Kalz

                                                                Wilmersdorf bai  Berlin
                                                                   B i n g e r s t r .   8 2 .

                Despite the prohibition of the use of the Id on 4d for postal purposes two genuine covers are
         known.  This registered letter was over franked 5 Yid and was sent from Georgetown to Berlin on  16th
        November 1908, where it arrived on  10th December, a transit of 24 days. E.  Ex Byl, Cooley & Maisel.
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