Page 90 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 90


                                            Mr.  P.H«  rrmann

                                                            # 3 7 -4 3   W a ll  f t . ,

                                                                             New  Y ork
                        R egistered  L e t t e r

                 A cover addressed to New York franked with 3 x Vz d on 5/- and 3 x Id on 5/- paying the
          correct  1  oz  registered  U.P.U.  rate,  the  only  known  such  franking.  The  adhesives  were
          cancelled by Georgetown Type 4 on 27th November 1907 and the cover sent on “Otari” to Mobile,
          where it received a U.S.  registration etiquette and was back stamped on 9th December.  It arrived in
          New York on the  11th. Ex Byl.

                                            S.            C.           M a

                                                         P.  O.  B ox  2 0 8 5

                       5/0  B attery  Street                   San  Francisco,  Cal.


                  A cover addressed to San Francisco franked with 2 x Id on 5/- and a definitive 14d paying
          the correct 1  oz U.P.U. rate. The adhesives were cancelled on  10th December  1907 by Type 4 and
          the cover back stamped in Kingston on the  19th. Ex Lee, Cooley & Byl.

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