Page 91 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 91


                There are 8 known covers franked with a single Id on 5/- paying the 1 oz Imperial rate,
         the  new  weight  step  introduced  on  Is*  October  1907.  In  this  case  a  cover  cancelled  in
         Georgetown on 30th November by Type 4 addressed to Jamaica, where it arrived on 7th December  a
         transit of 7 days. E. Ex r e w  & Maisel.


                                                                                U .   s . < a

                A commercially used envelope cancelled in Georgetown on 9th December  1907 b  T          4
         franked with 5 x  Id on 5/- provisionals, over paying the U.P.U. 2 oz rate to Boston  (2  m ^ ths
         earlier it would  have been the correct 1 oz rate). It went through Kingston on 17th D  ember
         6 weeks after posting. There is no arrival date. E. Ex Burrus & Maisel.
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