Zoom Presentation for WIPSG (24 July 2024 at 8pm BST)

Jamaica during World War II: a Philatelic Perspective by Paul Farrimond

This presentation will show, through postal history items, many ways in which the Second World War impacted on the island of Jamaica. Although far away from the war in Europe, there was extensive U-boat activity in the Caribbean, and Jamaica, like other islands, provided many and varied contributions to the war effort, not least through men & women volunteering for military service. Armed forces from Britain, Canada and the United States of America were stationed on the island during World War II, and there were camps for prisoners of war, evacuees from Gibraltar and Jewish refugees from war-torn Europe. Examples of mail will be shown to illustrate these and other ways that the war affected Jamaica.

Zoom details as follows:


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John Davies presenting Peter Fernbank with the ABPS Award of Merit at the Philatelic Congress in July 2024.

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West Indies Philatelic Study Group

The WIPSG was formed on 1 Jan 2023 when the BWISC and BCPSG societies merged.

The transition of all aspects will take a few months and in the interim period the previous society names will need to continue for certain functions.

British West Indies Study Circle History

The BWISC was formed in 1954 by Philip Saunders.

Some historical information can be found here.

British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group History

The BCPSG was formed in 1961 by Bob Topaz, Reg Lant and Al Johnson.

Some historical information can be found here

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