WIPSG Publications  (prior to 2023 published by BWISC)

The WIPSG is proudly offering the following publications for sale; many have been reduced in price in an effort to reduce our stocks. N.B. Postage and packing is extra.

To Purchase Contact David Druett at Pennymead Auctions.
Click here to order through his web site
Please mention the fact they are members when placing an order to receive discount.

Some books can also be ordered through the American Philatelic Society Publications web site

Link1 Link2 Author Title and Description Publisher Year Price Retail / Member Cover
shop Richards, Simon Dominica Philately to 1967

In 1994 the British West Indies Study Circle (BWISC) published Victor Toeg’s work entitled ‘Dominica: Postal History, Stamps and Postal Stationery to 1935’. Advantage has been taken of the great improvements in colour printing over the last thirty years to provide better images and additional insight into the period to 1936.


WIPSG Bingham, Nottinghamshire 2024

£36 / £32[start-read-more296pp. 1st ed., hardback.

shop TAYLOR Susan and WALDRON Julian, STOCKDALE Graham Anguilla's quest for identity. The philatelic story

This book contains a fascinating insight into the Philatelic History of Anguilla. The events of the 1967 revolution are well known and many former Philatelists have written articles on the stamps and history of the Island however, this is the first attempt to bring its Philatelic history into a single reference point.


WIPSG Bingham, Nottinghamshire 2023

£28 / £25[start-read-more233pp. 1st ed., softback.

Ford, Peter (compiler) Early BWI Covers Perkins Bacon Adhesives – Barbados

The original idea of recording as many covers as came on to the market must go to Michael Hamilton; his listing of philatelic events and covers posted at the time is a goldmine!


BWISC 2022

£28 / £26[start-read-moreLetter size, perfect bound (softback), (vi) + 236 pages

Rego, Michael Grenada Social and Postal History

This new Study Paper delves into the intertwining of political and postal history from the early 18th century until the first part of the 20th.


BWISC 2022 £16 / £14
Pearce, Tim Grenada

This book covers the pre-stamp handstamps, the Chalon Head issues in depth, including the Revenues, and numerous emergency overprints; the later Victorian and Edwardian issues, the 1912 – 36 King George V issues, including the War Tax stamps, and issues of King George VI up to 1952 are also covered


BWISC 2021

£40 / £36[start-read-moreA4, Hardbacked with dustjacket, with (vi) + 188 pages. ISBN: 978-1-907481-44-4.

Taylor, Susan; Barrow, Edward; Mohammed, Nigel & Park, John The Untold Story of the Lady McLeod

This well researched book delves inside the prized Lady McLeod covers, untangling the family and business history that seeded their existence.


BWISC 2021

£20 / £18[start-read-moreLetter size, perfect bound, (vi) + 110 pages. ISBN: 978-1-907481-49-9

Capon, Richard; Gibb,Bill, Stewart, George The Farthing

The humble farthing, which not that many people will remember was the cost of posting Printed Papers locally in some colonies of the Empire. Most were in the West Indies.


BWISC 2020

£18 / £16[start-read-moreLetter size, perfect bound, (viii) + 102 pages. ISBN: 978-1-907481-46-8

Fernbank, Peter FRPSL; Blinco, Jeff and John King Edward VII Imperium Keyplates

Printings, Plate Number Allocations and Key Plate Varieties


BWISC 2020

Sold Out[start-read-moreA4 size, hardbacked with dustjacket, (viii) + 200 pages.
ISBN: 978-1-907481-48-2

Fernbank, Peter FRPSL; Blinco, Jeff and John King Edward VII Imperium Keyplates

Printings, Plate Number Allocations and Key Plate Varieties


BWISC 2020

£18 / £16[start-read-moreA4 size, softback, (viii) + 200 pages.

Ford, Peter C.; Barrow,Ed and Druett, David Trinidad and Tobago - The Stamps & Postal Stationery

Following on from the two previous publications, one on Trinidad by Sir John Marriott and the other on Tobago, it seemed only fitting to complete the trilogy by publishing a book on the unified colony from 1913.


BWISC 2020

£24 / £22[start-read-moreA4, Softback

Ford, Peter C.; Barrow,Ed and Druett, David Trinidad and Tobago - The Stamps & Postal Stationery

Following on from the two previous publications, one on Trinidad by Sir John Marriott and the other on Tobago, it seemed only fitting to complete the trilogy by publishing a book on the unified colony from 1913.


BWISC 2020

£48[start-read-moreA4, Hardbacked, (viii) + 193 pages.

Ford, Peter (compiler) Early BWI Covers Perkins Bacon Adhesives – Trinidad

For many years, there has been a listing of early Trinidad covers on the BWISC website;


BWISC 2019 £20 / £18
Rego, Michael Trinidad Mail Coastal Service 1820–2000

Study Paper No. 8.


BWISC 2019 £22 / £20
Fernbank, Peter Bahamas – Stamps and Postal Stationery To 1970

Collectors of Bahamas have long awaited a successor to Harold G. D. Gisburn’s slim handbook of 1950 in which he briefly touched on most aspects of Bahamas philately.


BWISC 2017

£40 / £36[start-read-more334 pages. A4, hardback

Freeland, Charles; Bond, Roy and Boylan, Russell St. Vincent 1899  –  1965

The purpose of this book is to act as a Supplement to the outstanding handbook on St. Vincent philately


BWISC 2017

£22 / £20[start-read-more294 pages. A4, softback,

Horry, David The Riddle of The Registered Ovals of Jamaica And Trinidad 1949 

In March 2015 David Horry won a Julian Chapman Scholarship, via The Royal Philatelic Society London to travel to Jamaica and try to get to the bottom of this fascinating mystery.


BWISC 2017

sold out[start-read-more224 pages. A4, perfect bound

Rego, Michael Study Paper No. 7 – Colonial Bank in the West Indies

The history of the  Colonial Bank is intricately wound up with both the social and philatelic history of the British West Indies.


BWISC 2017

£12 / £10[start-read-more72 pages. Letter size, perfect bound

Freeland Charles, and Jordan, John Antigua – The Stamps and Postal History’

Coming so early in the alphabet Antigua has always been one of the most popular of the small Caribbean islands


BWISC 2016

25[start-read-more299 pages. A4, hardbacked with dust jacket,

Freeland, Charles Classic Collections – St. Lucia

This book is a  continuation of the series highlighting the finest  BWI collections


BWISC 2016

£10 / £8[start-read-more36 pages. B5, saddle-stitched

pdf Gleadall, Mary The Tudway Letter (Ships & Captains)

This listing was compiled from the contents and cover markings of the letters. Spelling is exactly as transcribed. 

BWISC 2016

Free Download[start-read-more6 pages. Digital

pdf Gleadall, Mary The Tudway Letter Inventory

The listing references were entirely compiled by John Willem in the 1970s and for more details on the Antigua marks please refer to Antigua


BWISC 2016

Free Download[start-read-more18 pages. Digital

Gleadall, Mary The Tudway Letters

This book concerns the Tudway family’s correspondence from 1751 to 1858.


BWISC 2016

£20 / £18[start-read-more266 pages. Large, card cover

Farrimond, Paul and Raymond Murphy The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately Volume 9 – Military Mails

This is the third edition of this book, the original being written by the late Derek Sutcliffe


BWISC 2015

£29 / £26[start-read-more458 pages. A4, perfect bound,

Jamaica Military Mail

Giraldi, Thomas E Cayman Islands Postcards

This long awaited book is here at last


BWISC 2015

£16 / £14[start-read-more210 pages. A4, softbacked, perfect bound

Cayman Islands Postcards

Horry, David The Encyclopaedia of British West Indies Postmarks. Queen Elizabeth II Coronation - Independence

Detailed fully illustrated listing of all known postmarks with useful rarity guide


BWISC 2015

sold out[start-read-more393 pages. Large, card cover

Wike, Ron The Airmails of Trinidad And Tobago'

This book contains a detailed history of aviation in Trinidad plus listings of first flight covers


BWISC 2015

£18 / £16[start-read-more214 pages. softback

Borromeo, Federico and Freeland, Charles Nevis. The Stamps and Postal History 1661-1890.

A comprehensive philatelic handbook covering


BWISC 2014

18[start-read-more211 pages.

Jakes, Ian The Trinidad Red Cross Label.

In depth study of this local stamp which was valid for postage on only one day


BWISC 2014

£12 / £10[start-read-more54 pages. in card covers.

Peter Ford, Charles Freeland & Ed Barrow Tobago. The Philatelic Story of A Small Island

A comprehensive handbook on the stamps and postal history up to 1913


BWISC 2014

20[start-read-more150 pages.

Fernbank, Peter King George V Key Plates of The Imperium Postage And Revenue Design (Second Edition)

Since its publication in 1997 this work has become the standard reference for collectors of the issues of this King George V Universal key plate style


BWISC 2013

35[start-read-more514 pages. A4, h/b with dustjack

Update Jarvis Steve & Atkinson, David The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately Volume 8: Air Mails

BWISC 2013

£18 / £16[start-read-more268 pages. Card Cover

Maisel, Richard British Guiana: The Provisionals of 1882 Study Paper No. 5

BWISC 2013

£14 / £12[start-read-more71 pages. Card Cover

Maisel, Richard Cayman Islands - The Classic Collection Formed by Richard Maisel 2nd edition

Lavishly illustrated throughout in colour describing the author's award winning collection


BWISC 2013

£12 / £10[start-read-more42 pages. Card Cover

Roett, Fitz Barbados: The Britannia Issues

This book examines the early Britannia issues of Barbados


BWISC 2013

£15 / £13[start-read-more220 pages. A4 Softbacked, perfect-bound

Brookes, Brian St. Kitts Postal History – Brian Brookes Classic Collection.

This is the fourth booklet in our series of ‘Classic Collections’


BWISC 2011

£12 / £10[start-read-more34 pages. Card Cover

Fernbank, Peter The Locally Overprinted Special Delivery Stamps of Bahamas, 1916–17

This Study Paper examines in detail the Special Delivery agreement made between Canada and Bahamas in 1916


BWISC 2011

£19 / £16[start-read-more74 pages. Softbound

Oliver, Michael Leeward Islands Notes for Philatelists (2nd Edition) SOLD OUT

Primarily covering the Leeward Islands Federal issue postage stamps and stationery, excluding the Presidential issues


BWISC 2011

Sold Out[start-read-more324 pages. Hard bound

Deakin, Frank Barbados - Frank Deakin's Classic Collection Reprint

This is a reprint of Frank’s original booklet


BWISC 2010

£12 / £10[start-read-more26 pages. Card Cover

Freeland, Charles Montserrat By LE Britnor

The original work was completely updated and re-published in 1998 using modern day desk-top publishing


BWISC 2010

£24 / £22[start-read-more120 pages. A4, in a perfect-bound softback

Marriott, Sir John; Medlicott , Michael & Ramkissoon, Reuben A Trinidad - A Philatelic History to 1913

This book was c.onceived by John Marriott to follow on from his original 1962 Study Paper


BWISC 2010

25[start-read-more359 pages.

Rego, Michael British Guiana Coded Postmarks

The third in our series of Study Papers


BWISC 2010

£15 / £13[start-read-more63 pages. Card Cover

Louka, Michael St Vincent - Cancellations on Stamps 1861-97

Obliterators, St Vincent and Kingstown datestamps.

BWISC 2009

£15 / £14[start-read-more44 pages. in pictorial card covers.

Rego, Michael Steamship Lines to The Caribbean – Volume Three

This volume covers the French Line as well as some of the smaller lines serving the Caribbean


BWISC 2008

£29 / £26[start-read-more240 pages. A4 softback

Jessop, Stewart Bermuda Civil Censorship World War I

The first of a new series of Study Papers, devoted to small but nevertheless important areas of research


BWISC 2006

£15 / £13[start-read-more40 pages. Card Cover

Dickinson, Terence British Guiana - Picture Postcards

A new exciting book from the BWISC which catalogues all known picture postcards of British Guiana


BWISC 2005

£28 / £25[start-read-more170 pages. A4, Softbound

Rego, M. R. Steamship Lines to the Caribbean, vols. 1, 2 & 3

BWISC 2005 2007 & 2008
Rego, Michael Steamship Lines to the Caribbean - Volume 1

This book is the first of four volumes covering the Steamship Lines which served the Caribbean from the earliest days to more modern times


BWISC 2005

£28 / £26[start-read-more230 pages. softbound

Rego, Michael Steamship Lines to The Caribbean – Volume Two

The second volume of this set covers the United Fruit Company, Canadian National (West Indies) Steamships, Imperial Direct West India Mail, Fyffes Line and the Royal Netherlands Steamship Company.


BWISC 2005

£30 / £27[start-read-more300 pages. A4 softback

Sutcliffe, Derek The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately Volume 9: Military, Censorship and Patriotic Mails


BWISC 2004

£38 / £32[start-read-more350+ pages.

Jarvis, Steve The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately Volume 6 - GB Stamps Used In Jamaica


BWISC 2001

sold out[start-read-more350+ pages. Multi ring

Borromeo, Federico The Philately of Nevis

This is the second in the 'Classic Collections' series


BWISC 2000

£13 / £11[start-read-more32pp pages. in card covers

pdf Addiss, Edward; Oliver, Michael; Forand, Michel; Wynstra, Robert; Ramkissoon, M; Freeland, C & Tweddell, Edward LeewardIslands – A Postal History Anthology

BCPSG Monograph #15


BCPSG 1997
Forand, M. and Freeland, C. Bermuda Mails to 1865, An inventory of the Postal Markings

BCPSG 1995
Sutcliffe, Derek & Jarvis, Steve The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately Volume 1 - The Postage Stamps To 1935

The first volume in a series that will eventually be the definitive Jamaican collector's handbook


BWISC 1995

sold out[start-read-more400+ pages. multi-ring binder,

Toeg, EV Dominica - Its Postal History, Stamps and Postal Stationery To 1975


BWISC 1995

9[start-read-more216 pages.

Toeg, EV The Leeward Islands Adhesive Fees Stamps


BWISC 1991

10[start-read-more72 pages. in card covers

Ludington M.H. & Rego M.R. The Furness Line to Bermuda

BCPSG 1990
Shepherd, Anthony The postal censorship in Barbados during the first and second world wars.

Background history plus detailed listing of all known censor marks and labels.

BWISC 1984 6
Clarke, Radford And Cave Barbados Post Office Markings To 1981


BWISC 1982

5[start-read-more71 pages. Hardbound Qto

Britnor, L.E. British West Indies postal rates up to 1900

BWISC 1977
Britnor, L.E. History of the sailing packets to the West Indies.

Includes list of packet boats, maps of mail boat routes and letter rates.

BWISC 1973


Britnor, L.E. Montserrat

The first philatelic handbook on this island.

BWISC 1965 8
Britnor, L.E. An introduction to the Postal History of the British West Indies.

BWISC 1959

16[start-read-more43pp. 1st ed., in card covers.

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