A Philatelic Bibliography of the British West Indies

Part 2: Public Auction Catalogues (Aug 2015) by Michel Forand and Charles Freeland

Subsequent updates by James Podger

The objective of this listing is to provide guidance to specialised collectors who wish to compile or consult a representative selection of public auction (i.e. live auction) catalogues relevant to their areas of interest. Our selection is based on two general criteria - the number of lots and the “significance” of the material offered. The number of illustrations also plays a role, which, added to the release of important specialist material, explains the heavier incidence of more recent catalogues. As a rule, a minimum of 25 lots is required for inclusion in the list. In the case of some of the smaller territories, this rule has been applied loosely but, if an entry lists fewer than 25 lots, it can be assumed that it contains significant offerings. The concept of significance is obviously qualitative and subjective, but to minimize its arbitrary scope, the following criteria have been used to determine a significant collection:

  • a specialized representation of the relevant postal and/or fiscal issues (stamps, postal stationery, etc);
  • a good range of rare stamps that are conventionally viewed as enhancing the philatelic value of the collection;
  • at least 10 lots of rare essays, proofs and/or specimens;
  • at least 10 important lots of postal history.

The first five pages of the list cover “across-BWI” catalogues, defined as those containing material from the B.W.I. region as a whole or from at least three territories within it. These are followed by country-specific sections, including both single country sales and wider offerings that meet the criteria for the individual territory. No attempt is made to list private (eg study circle) auctions, retail or private treaty lists, even though a few such items would merit inclusion on grounds of significance. The only mail-bid sales included are a few name sales. At the end of the general section, a list of auction houses which have regular but less prominent offerings of BWI material is provided as a guide for those who wish to take a more comprehensive approach.

The information provided in the list includes (whenever possible) the following elements:

  • Auction firm - The sales are assumed to have taken place in the city in which the auction house is headquartered at the time. For example, unless noted otherwise, the sales of Harmer Rooke, Robson Lowe, Harmers, Sotheby’s and Stanley Gibbons took place in London. Robson Lowe became Christie's Robson Lowe (CRL) in 1984 and Spink and Sons in 1997. The name of Harmer Rooke London changed to Stanley Gibbons in June 1965, although ownership had changed earlier.
  • Date — In the case of sales held over two or more consecutive days, the date provided in the table is that of the first day of the sale, even when the material listed below was offered on a subsequent day.
  • Collection — Unless they are actually mentioned in the catalogue, the names of the owners of many collections are unknown or uncertain at best. The formula followed is to record the named owners of the specialised BWI material, putting aliases in parentheses. Anonymous owners are noted in brackets when known to the authors.
  • Number of lots — In the general British West Indies section, if only one number appears, it means that all lots in the catalogue are B.W.I.-related. If the catalogue also contains lots that are not related to the B.W.I. area, two numbers appear, separated by a slash (/); the first is the number of B.W.I. lots in the catalogue, and the second is the total number of lots. Under country listings, only the relevant number of lots is indicated.
  • Remarks — This column is primarily designed to provide a general idea of the contents of the material offered. Where nothing is indicated, the offering covers a broad range of material.

Click here to View original 2015 Bibliography in pdf format (500kb)

Held Link Country House YYYY MM DD Date End Sale No Vendor Part Number of lots Remarks
West Indies - General J. W. Scott 1893 04 03 Coppet, F. de 572/2804
Nevis Scott Stamp and Coin Co. 1900 01 10 Hunter, F. W. 69
West Indies - General Bernichon 1907 03 22 d’Etoiles, Roi 573/1369
West Indies - General Gilbert and Köhler 1908 11 03 De M. K 273
Trinidad Gilbert 1909 05 03 Mirabaud, P. II 105
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Gilbert and Köhler 1909 05 03 Mirabaud, P. II 1881 provs
West Indies - General Gilbert and Köhler 1909 05 03 Mirabaud, P. II 455/2013
British Guiana Gilbert and Köhler 1909 06 14 Chiesa, A. 39
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Gilbert and Köhler 1909 06 14 Chiesa, A. 75 1881 provs
West Indies - General Gilbert and Köhler 1909 06 14 Chiesa, A. /1968? Br Guiana, Turks
West Indies - General Morgenthau 1910 04 14 Seybold, J. F. 57/210 EL
Barbados Plumridge 1917 06 27 573
Bahamas Plumridge 1919 04 03 593 95
British Guiana Gilbert 1921 06 23 Ferrary, R. de II 24 Rarities
British Guiana Gilbert 1921 10 13 Ferrary, R. de II 103 Rarities
Nevis Gilbert 1922 06 14 Ferrary, R. de IV 17 Rarities
Barbados Gilbert 1922 11 15 Ferrary, R. de V 39 Rarities
Saint Vincent Gilbert 1922 11 15 Ferrary, R. de V 20 Rarities
Trinidad Gilbert 1922 11 15 Ferrary, R. de V 35 Rarities
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Gilbert 1922 11 15 Ferrary, R. de V 29 Rarities
Nevis Gilbert 1923 04 23 Ferrary, R. de VI 19 Rarities
Barbados Plumridge 1923 10 18 713 Stephenson, C. A. 350
British Guiana Gilbert 1924 06 18 Ferrary, R. de X 45 Rarities
Trinidad Gilbert 1924 06 18 Ferrary, R. de X 37 Rarities
Saint Vincent Plumridge 1925 06 04 Gilbert-Lodge, L. J. I
Nevis Plumridge 1925 11 25 768 235
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Plumridge 1925 11 25 768 Hind 158 1881 provs.
Virgin Islands Plumridge 1925 11 25 768 Hind 324
British Guiana Harmers 1927 10 10 Cox 58
West Indies - General Plumridge 1928 02 29 823 Collins, E. H. 251/867
Trinidad Plumridge 1928 05 03 831 Collins, E. H. 223
Saint Vincent Plumridge 1928 05 28 Collins , E. H. 135
West Indies - General Plumridge 1928 05 31 835 Collins, E. H. 444
West Indies - General Harmers 1928 12 10 " M. D. " 312/615
Saint Vincent Harmers 1929 12 02 Pack, C. L. 105
Nevis Glendinning 1931 02 03 109
Grenada Glendinning 1931 02 17 113
Saint Vincent Harmers 1932 02 08 86
West Indies - General Harmers 1932 03 14 James, H. A. 199/816
British Guiana Plumridge 1932 12 01 947 Manus, H. P. II 165
British Honduras Plumridge 1932 12 01 947 Manus, H. P. II 33
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1932 12 05 94
Nevis Plumridge 1933 01 12 950 Manus, H. P. III 60
West Indies - General Plumridge 1933 01 12 950 Manus, H. P. III 550
British Guiana Plumridge 1933 04 20 963 Praportchetovitch, L. 74
West Indies - General Plumridge 1933 04 20 963 Praportchetovitch, L. III 219 Bahamas; Barbados; Grenada; Trinidad
Saint Lucia Harmer Rooke 1933 04 26 Rowlands 24 QV blocks
pdf Jamaica Plumridge 1933 05 10 966 Trivett, L. O. 375
Saint Vincent Plumridge 1933 05 26 969 Praportchetovitch, L. 34
West Indies - General Plumridge 1933 05 26 969 Praportchetovitch, L. IV 153 Br Guiana, St L. St V, Turks
West Indies - General Harmers 1933 06 26 Cox, A. W. 202
West Indies - General Harmers 1933 07 03 Cox, A. W. 217
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Plumridge 1933 10 26 980 Manus, H. P. X 99 1881 provs.
Trinidad Plumridge 1934 01 11 987 505
Nevis Harmer Rooke 1934 01 17 Mann, E. W. 158 Sheets; EPS
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmer Rooke 1934 01 17 Mann, E. W. 40
Virgin Islands Harmer Rooke 1934 01 17 Mann, E. W. 105 EPS
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1934 01 17 Mann, E. W. 357
West Indies - General Phillips and Kennett 1934 03 31 Hind, A. 505/3506 Sale not held
pdf British Guiana Harmers 1934 05 07 9 May 673-675 Hind, A. 55 Cottonreels; typesets
pdf Nevis Harmers 1934 05 07 9 May 673-675 Hind, A. II 34
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers 1934 05 07 9 May 673-675 Hind, A. 37 1881 provs.
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1934 05 07 9 May 673-675 Hind, A. II 473
Jamaica Plumridge 1934 12 13 1013 Morton, C. S. 94 GB used
Saint Vincent Harmers 1935 10 21 790 791 Gilbert-Lodge, L. J. II 193 QV
pdf British Guiana Harmer Rooke 1935 10 30 2701 Hind, Mrs A. 25
Saint Vincent Harmers 1936 02 03 821 822 Gilbert-Lodge, L. J. III 92
West Indies - General Harmers 1936 11 16 884-887 " Double " 280/896
Nevis Harmers 1936 12 14 892-894 23
Nevis Harmers 1937 01 18 901 902 107
West Indies - General Harmers 1937 02 01 905 906 171/478 Leeward Islands group
West Indies - General Harmers 1937 05 31 934 935 Stephens, M. I 248/453
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke 1937 06 10 11th Cosby, L. R. 202
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1937 11 11 2889 2890 Blair, I. I 304/422
West Indies - General Western Auctions 1938 00 00 2008 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
Nevis Harmer Rooke 1938 05 04 2946-48 Crocker, W. H. 26 Sheets
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke 1938 05 04 2946-48 Crocker, W. H. 44
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1938 05 04 2946-48 Crocker, W. H. III 344/441
Saint Vincent Harmers 1939 01 02 1072 1073 66
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1939 01 27 Hall, T. W. 92 QV
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1939 01 27 Hall, T. W. 89
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1939 01 27 Hall, T. W. 84
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1939 01 27 Hall, T. W. 297
Cayman Islands E. Klein (Philadelphia) 1939 02 20 Roth, H. W. 21 Provs.
Nevis Harmers 1939 02 20 1086 1087 Snowden, C.J.L. I 51
Virgin Islands Harmers 1939 02 20 1086 1087 Snowden, C.J.L. I 133 QV; EPS
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1939 04 12 3033-37 Curie, C. I 359/1526
Nevis Robson Lowe 1940 01 18 76
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1940 02 12 1175-1176 Nicholson, L.C. C. I 177
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1940 02 14 Nicholson, L.C. C. II 500 PMC
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1940 07 31 Yates, E. E. 72 GB used
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1941 03 12 Brown, D. M. 57
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1941 03 12 Brown, D. M. 350
West Indies - General Harmers 1941 10 20 1336 1336a Wane , H. B. 268/581
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1941 10 21 1337 1338 Dibble, A. C. 60
Nevis Harmers (New York) 1941 10 21 1337 1338 Dibble, A. C. I 46
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1941 10 21 1337 1338 Dibble, A. C. I 97
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1941 10 21 1337 1338 Dibble, A. C. I 400/522
Antigua Robson Lowe 1942 00 00 Hopkins, Adrian The important Adrian Hopkins collection of Antigua featured in a Robson Lowe brochure issued in 1942.
Montserrat Robson Lowe 1942 00 00 Hopkins, Adrian The important Adrian Hopkins collection of Montserrat featured in a Robson Lowe brochure issued in 1942.
British Guiana Harmer Rooke (New York) 1942 02 19 94 Webster, W. J. 470
Barbados Robson Lowe 1942 07 02 123
pdf Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1942 09 29 1565 Turner, C. B. 277 PH; QV; KE; KGV
Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1942 10 05 6th 1566 1567 30 Britannias on cover
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1942 10 05 6th 1566 1567 26 1881 provs.
Saint Vincent Irwin Heimann 1942 10 20 Green, E.H.R. IV 44
Virgin Islands Harmer Rooke (New York) 1942 11 17 124-128 Green, E.H.R. VI 60
Nevis Harmers (New York) 1943 05 24 1602 1603 1604 47 1861, 1867 and 1883 issues
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke (New York) 1943 11 29 173-177 Green, E.H.R. XII 110
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1944 01 05 Silk, W. H. 380/520
British Guiana J. C. Morgenthau 1944 01 18 Green, E.H.R. XII 145
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) J. C. Morgenthau 1944 01 18 Green, E.H.R. XII 57
West Indies - General J. C. Morgenthau 1944 01 18 Green, E.H.R. XII 661/2753
Trinidad E. J. Fifield 1944 02 24 Green, E.H.R. XIV 135
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1944 03 14 67 Early issues
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1944 04 04 " Connoisseur " III 38 1881 provs.
British Guiana Robson Lowe 1944 04 05 Bolyn, H. 120
British Honduras Robson Lowe 1944 04 05 Snowden, C.J.L. II 72
Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1944 04 05 Snowden, C.J.L. II 61
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1944 04 05 Snowden, C.J.L. II 253
British Guiana Harmers 1944 09 25 1608 1609 Yardley, R. B. 54 QV
Barbados Harmers 1944 09 25 1608 1609 Yardley, R. B. 83 EPS, Britannias
Saint Vincent Harmers 1944 09 25 1608 1609 Yardley, R. B. 52
West Indies - General Harmers 1944 09 25 1608 1609 Yardley, R. B. I 424 Perkins Bacons die proofs
Nevis E. J. Fifield 1944 10 16 Dunham, C. H. III 62
West Indies - General E. J. Fifield 1944 10 16 Dunham, C. H. III 726/2332
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1944 12 05 " Connoisseur " 105
British Guiana Robson Lowe 1944 12 20 " AP " 280 Withdrawn; sold to F. Kenny
West Indies - General Harmers 1945 05 28 1676 1677 Thomas, E. 471/489
Barbados Harmers 1945 07 02 1687 1688 " K " 171
West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1945 09 26 PHA 88 Yates, E. E. 61/443 Crowned circles
British Guiana Robson Lowe 1945 11 21 Boucher, G. H. 83
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1945 11 21 Meade, H. 148 PH; PMC
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1945 11 21 Boucher, G. H. 338
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1945 11 21 Meade, H. 338
Bermuda Robson Lowe 1946 03 27 Carson, J.H.B. 58
Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1946 03 27 18 EL
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1946 05 01 594 Watkin, A. J. 189 Postal history; EPS
Tobago Harmers 1946 09 16 1793-1795 58
Jamaica Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1946 10 09 PHA 98 99 (628 629) Pinchess, E. S. 203 PH
Grenada Harmers (New York) 1946 11 25 363 364 74 QV; provs.
Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1946 11 25 363 364 74 QV; War Tax issues
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1946 12 18 644-645 167/531 EPS
Barbados Robson Lowe 1947 05 07 672 673 ( Marshall, Sir James ) 523 Britannias
West Indies - General Harmers 1947 05 19 1857-1860 Bryant, F. H. 237/1137
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1947 09 17 697 698 Gingold, A. 285/415
Saint Vincent Harmers 1947 11 10 1897-1901 Williams, C. 131
Bahamas Harmers 1948 01 26 1920 1921 Kethro, C. E. 29
Trinidad Harmers 1948 01 26 1920 1921 Kethro, C. E. 109
Cayman Islands F. W. Kessler 1948 03 11 Simon, J. P. 80 Mint blocks
West Indies - General F. W. Kessler 1948 03 11 Simon, J. P. 872/1202 20th century mint blocks
Bermuda Robson Lowe (Philadelphia) 1948 05 15 46
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1948 06 23 765 766 57
Dominica Robson Lowe 1948 07 07 768 769 37
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1948 09 07 482 483 484 32 Early issues
Saint Vincent Harmers 1948 10 04 1975 1976 Beatson Hird, Dr. R. 136
Jamaica Harmers 1948 11 22 1989 1990 95
Virgin Islands Robson Lowe 1949 01 19 807 808 83
Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1949 09 14 856 857 Booth, W. 104 QV
Bermuda Robson Lowe 1949 09 28 858 859 Meredith, C. W. 66 Provs.
British Guiana Mercury Stamp Company 1949 10 25 56 Cottonreels
West Indies - General Mercury Stamp Company 1949 10 25 391/694 Classic issues
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 25 QV
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Sefton-Fiddian, W. R. 41
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 72 QV; 1886 provs.
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 53 QV; EPS
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 43 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 96 QV
pdf Tobago Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 28 Provs.
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 61 Britannias
pdf Virgin Islands Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 57 QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1949 11 09 872 873 Boucher, G. H. 339 19th century
Cayman Islands Harmers 1949 11 28 2079-2081 Bowman, E. C. 98 EPS; PMC
Barbados Robson Lowe 1949 12 14 882 883 Booth, W. 169 Britannias
Grenada Robson Lowe 1949 12 14 882 883 Booth, W. 148 QV
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe 1950 03 22 906 907 52 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1950 04 25 548-550 Schenck, O. A. II 213/882
Bahamas Harmer Rooke (New York) 1950 04 25 548-550 Schenck, O. A. 45 QV blocks
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke (New York) 1950 04 25 548-550 Schenck, O. A. II 30 EL
Bahamas Robson Lowe 1950 05 31 920 921 83 QV; EPS
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1950 06 28 926 Clutterbuck, T 178 QV; EPS; KE
Jamaica Robson Lowe 1950 07 26 935 936 McGowan, R. 85 GB used
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1950 09 06 939 940 Hall, T. W. 320/560
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1950 10 11 951 952 Meredith, C. W. 26
Bermuda Robson Lowe (Philadelphia) 1950 10 21 Pierce, A. D. 111
Barbados Robson Lowe 1951 00 00 Bailey, GP The important G. P. Bailey collection featured in a Robson Lowe private treaty brochure issued in 1951.
Grenada Harmers 1951 04 09 2194-2196 ( Clutterbuck, T.M.C. ) 180
Saint Vincent Harmers 1951 05 28 2208 2209 35
Barbados Robson Lowe 1951 06 27 1020 1021 Lichtenstein, ex A. 264 Britannias
Jamaica Robson Lowe 1951 09 12 1034 1035 Simpson, W. 75 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers 1951 09 17 2226 2227 72
Grenada Harmers 1951 10 08 2232 2233 90 QV
Antigua Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1951 11 21 PHA 143 Codrington corr. 290 EL
Barbuda Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1951 11 21 PHA 143 Codrington Corr. 55 [See Antigua]
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1952 04 14 Adams, C. C. 104 Britannias
Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1952 04 14 Adams, C. C. 120 QV; EPS
Nevis Robson Lowe 1952 04 23 1094 1095 51
Barbados Harmers 1952 06 09 2297 2298 141
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1952 07 02 PHA 148 149 (1113 1114) 15 Jamaica used
Jamaica Harmers 1952 10 06 2316 2317 Kitchin, C.H.B. 177
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1952 10 27 116 QV; provs.
Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1952 10 27 134 Britannias; EPS
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1952 10 27 58 QV; 1881 provs; EPS
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1952 10 27 558/1506 Provisionals; EPS
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1953 02 18 1167 1168 Snowden, C.J.L. III 58
British Guiana Harmers 1953 03 02 2355 2356 Russell, B.W.N. 106
British Guiana Harmers 1953 03 02 2355 2356 Enoch, C. 106
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1953 04 27 784-788 Lagerloef, H. 47 Cottonreels, typesets
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1953 04 29 1185 1186 98
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe 1953 06 24 1202 Snowden, C.J.L. III 339 QV; 1881 provs; EPS
Barbados Robson Lowe (Bournemouth) 1953 07 11 1205-1206 52
Barbados Robson Lowe 1953 07 22 1210 1211 52
Barbados Robson Lowe 1953 11 04 1230 1231 72
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1954 05 05 PHA 164 165 (1267 1268) Lees, D. L. 92 PH
Jamaica Harmers 1954 09 20 2480 2481 Braham, S. D. 150 QV; EL; EPS
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1954 10 27 1316 Sinton, J. H. I 253
Antigua Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1955 03 02 PHA 172 173 (1345 1346) Codrington corr. 27 EL
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1955 03 09 1349 1350 1351 Sinton, J. H. II 74
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1955 04 20 1362 1363 ( Granger, E. T. ) 455 QV
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1955 05 18 1374 1375 Philcox, W. S. 75 Jamaica used; PH
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1955 05 18 1374 1375 Phillips, C. S. 373
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1955 05 18 1374 1375 Philcox, W 373
West Indies - General Harmers 1955 06 13 2551 2552 Wilson, R. W. 112/452 Classic issues
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1955 10 12 1413 Meredith, C. W. 288
Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1955 10 12 1414 1415 Adams, H.C.V. 57
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1955 10 12 1414 1415 Adams, H.C.V. 58 PMC
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1955 10 12 1414 1415 166/617
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1955 11 14 2583-2584 Glossop, W. I 410
pdf Grenada Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. 76 QV
pdf Nevis Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. 44 QV
pdf Saint Lucia Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. 69 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. II 156 QV
pdf Virgin Islands Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. 40 QV
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1956 03 12 2616 2617 2618 Glossop, W. 425/758
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1956 04 18 1475 1476 Abell, M. H. 105
Nevis Harmers 1956 05 14 2633 2634 Cox, P. A. 28 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers 1956 07 02 2645 2646 112 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1956 10 03 1514 1515 Bowlby, O. 164 QV; PH
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1956 10 03 1514 1515 Bowlby, O. 268/355
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1956 10 10 PHA 189 190 191 (1519 1520 1521) Crouch, G. R. 33 Boer War
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1957 02 06 1554 1555 Duffus, F. F. 45 PMC
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1957 02 06 1554 1555 Duffus, F. F. 202/374
Grenada Harmers 1957 02 11 2693 2694 Gilbert-Lodge, L. J. 255 QV; EL
Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1957 02 25 ( Turner, K. B. ) 84 EL; EPS
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1957 04 29 Crouch, S. S. 33 1881 provs.
pdf Barbados Harmers (New York) 1957 05 14 1089 Caspary, A. H. IX 133 Britannias
pdf British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1957 05 14 1089 Caspary, A. H. IX 154
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1957 05 14 1588 1589 1590 19 Jamaica used
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1957 05 14 1089 Caspary, A. H. IX 68 QV
pdf Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1957 05 14 1089 Caspary, A. H. IX 139 Britannias
pdf West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1957 05 14 1089 Caspary, A. H. IX 750/753
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1957 05 29 1596 Urwick, R. H. 627
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1957 06 05 1600 Gill, R. 23/248 Perkins Bacons proofs
Antigua Robson Lowe 1957 09 25 1623 1624 Meredith, C. W. 48 QV
Bahamas Robson Lowe 1957 09 25 1623 1624 8 De La Rue die proofs
Jamaica Robson Lowe 1957 09 25 1623 1624 58 De La Rue die proofs
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1957 11 04 1119-1122 Reussville Jr, L. 68 EPS
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1957 12 11 1657 1658 1659 1660 Tyrrell, R. L. 45
Trinidad Robson Lowe 1957 12 11 1657 1658 1659 1660 Marriott, J. B. 33
Saint Vincent Harmers 1958 02 10 2772 2773 43
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers 1958 03 03 2778 2779 Strakosch, G. 53 1881 provs.
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1958 04 30 1701 1702 1703 1704 110 Britannias
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1958 04 30 1701 1702 1703 1704 Eagar, E. F. 52
Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1958 05 14 Cox, P. A. 27 QV
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1958 05 19 2798-2799 Simon, J. P. 180
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1958 06 11 1719 1720 Masters, P. T. 50
pdf Barbados Harmers 1958 06 16 18 Jun 2803-2807 Hurlock, H. I 746 Britannias; EPS
pdf Trinidad Harmers 1958 06 16 23/24 Jun 2803-2807 Hurlock, H. I 490 Britannias; EPS; EL
Antigua Robson Lowe 1958 10 29 1750 1751 Marshall, F. G. 141 EL; QV; EPS
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1958 10 29 1750 1751 81 QV
Jamaica Harmers 1958 11 10 2832 2833 Granger, E. T. 57 EL; QV
Nevis Harmers 1958 11 10 2832 2833 Granger, E. T. 79 QV
West Indies - General Harmers 1958 11 10 2832 2833 Granger, E. T. 225/458
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1958 12 17 1769 1770 Brandon, H. M. 108 PMC; QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1958 12 17 1769 1770 Brandon, H. M. 368/640
West Indies - General Harmers 1959 02 09 2853 Silva, E. de 107/295
Saint Vincent Harmers 1959 03 02 2857 2858 Granger, E. T. 67
Virgin Islands Harmers 1959 03 02 2857 2858 Granger, E. T. 75 QV
West Indies - General Harmers 1959 03 02 2857 2858 Granger, E. T. 268/496
West Indies - General Harmers 1959 04 06 2865 2866 Lek, J. 98/393
West Indies - General Harmers 1959 04 20 2869-2871 Burton, L. E. 281/1151
Bahamas Robson Lowe 1959 05 20 1827 1828 Bute, Marquess of 14 War stamps, special del.
Jamaica Robson Lowe 1959 05 20 1827 1828 Bute, Marquess of 20 War stamps; inverted frames
pdf Barbados Harmers 1959 06 01 2979-2880 Hurlock, H. II 265 Britannias; EPS
pdf Trinidad Harmers 1959 06 01 2979-2880 Hurlock, H. II 219 Britannias
Nevis Harmers (New York) 1959 11 03 1065-1068 45
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1959 11 18 1879 1880 Reid, A. 97
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1959 11 18 1879 1880 Lloyd, R. W. 493 Barbados; St. Vincent; Trinidad
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1959 11 18 1879 1880 Reid, A. 493 Barbados; St. Vincent; Trinidad
Jamaica Carl E. Pelander 1959 12 16 Watts, A. P. 241
Bahamas Robson Lowe 1960 03 16 1919 1920 Meredith, C. W. 9 Chalon Head proofs
Grenada Robson Lowe 1960 03 16 1919 1920 Meredith, C. W. 12 Chalon head proofs
Saint Vincent Harmers 1960 05 02 2954 2955 Welsh, G. 22
West Indies - General Harmers 1960 05 02 2954 2955 Welsh, G. 108/535
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1960 05 09 2956-2957 Davy, W. S. 23 EL
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1960 05 09 2956-2957 Davy, W. S. 12 EL
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1960 05 09 2956-2957 Davy, W. S. 87/366 Classic covers
pdf Barbados Harmers 1960 05 30 2964-2966 Hurlock, H. III 174 Britannias
pdf Trinidad Harmers 1960 05 30 2964-2966 Hurlock, H. III 131 Britannias
Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1960 10 05 1977 1978 29 Provs.
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1960 10 26 1983 1984 Lye, E. B. 128 QV; provs.
Antigua Robson Lowe (Post. Hist.) 1960 11 09 PHA 253 254 (1988 1989) Codrington corr. 43 EL
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1960 11 16 1329 1330 Galvez, M. 67/791 De La Rue die proofs
Saint Vincent Harmers 1960 11 28 2999 3000 75
West Indies - General Rigby Postal History Auctions (1961 to 1980) 1961 00 00 1980 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
British Guiana Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 01 25 548-550 Morton, C. S. 112
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 02 14 1129-1132 234/1712
pdf Bahamas Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 1140-1146 Henry, T. Charlton I 107 QV
pdf Barbados Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 286 Britannias
pdf Cayman Islands Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 48 Provs.
pdf Grenada Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 124 QV
pdf Jamaica Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 91 QV
pdf Montserrat Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 35
pdf Nevis Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 121 QV
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 78 QV
pdf Saint Lucia Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 124 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 187 QV
pdf Tobago Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 52
pdf Trinidad Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 294 EL; Britannias
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 73 QV; 1881 provs.
pdf Virgin Islands Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 87 QV
pdf West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 04 04 Henry, T. Charlton I 1910 Classic issues
Grenada Robson Lowe 1961 05 31 2050 2051 74 QV; provs.
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1961 05 31 2050 2051 97 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers 1961 07 03 3052 3053 64
Barbados Harmers 1961 09 18 3059-3061 Sherwood, J. D. 144 Britannias
Tobago Harmers 1961 10 02 3064 3065 29
pdf Bahamas Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 73 QV
pdf Barbados Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 254 Britannias
pdf Nevis Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 71 QV
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 69 Provs.
pdf Saint Lucia Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 78 QV; 1892 provs.
pdf Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 156 QV
pdf Tobago Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 28 Provs.
pdf Trinidad Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 277 EL; Britannias
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 56
pdf West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1961 12 12 1178-1181 Henry, T. Charlton II 1336 Classic issues
Bahamas E. F. Aguilar (Kingston, Jam.) 1962 01 10 88 PMC
Barbados Robson Lowe 1962 01 31 2121 2122 Blagrave-Ellis, J. 86
pdf Barbados Harmers 1962 02 05 3095-3096 Lickfold, E. K. 429
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1962 02 07 1188-1190 M. Stein, G. Liersch, 477/1359
pdf Barbados Harmers 1962 03 26 3109 3110 Kimball, L. 121 Britannias
pdf Grenada Harmers 1962 03 26 3109 3110 Kimball, L. 75 QV
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1962 03 26 3109 3110 Kimball, L. 65
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1962 03 26 3109 3110 Kimball, L. 50
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1962 03 26 3109 3110 Kimball, L. 595
Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1962 04 09 1428 1429 Crombie, N. 46
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1962 04 09 1428 1429 Crombie, N. 686/895
pdf Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke 1962 05 10 4494 4495 Gilbert-Lodge, L. J. IV 440 QV; EPS; EL
Tobago Western Auctions 1962 09 13 354 41
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1962 09 18 2188 2189 Ayre, C. E. 74 QV; PMC
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1962 10 30 2201 2202 Brundrett, Sir Fredrick 110 QV; PMC
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1962 10 30 2201 2202 Brundrett, Sir Fredrick 486/932
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1962 11 29 2212 2213 2214 Burrus, M. VI 180 Britannias; EL
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1962 11 29 2212 2213 2214 Burrus, M. VI 34 KE; PH
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1962 11 29 2212 2213 2214 Burrus, M. VI 246/520 Barbados; Cayman Is.; Turks Is.; Virgin Is.
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1963 01 28 1482-1484 Cosby, S. 70 Britannias
Trinidad Harmers 1963 01 28 3168-3170 Cosby, S. 53 Britannias
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1963 02 05 2235 52 1866 & 1876 issues; bisects
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1963 02 05 2235 93/303
pdf Antigua Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 126 EL; QV
pdf Dominica Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 67 QV
pdf Montserrat Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 63 QV
pdf Nevis Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 64 QV
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 96 QV, EPS
pdf Virgin Islands Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 76 QV; EPS
pdf West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1963 02 14 4544 4545 Bessemer, H. D. 519 Leeward Islands group
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1963 03 27 1247-1249 349/1180 Rarities
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. 18 QV; EL
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. XV 19 QV; EL
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. XV 33 QV; EL
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. XV 56 QV; EL
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. XV 109 QV; EL
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1963 04 03 2251 2252 2253 2254 Burrus, M. XV 236/669 Antigua; Dominica; St. Lucia; St. Christopher; St. Vincent
West Indies - General Harmers 1963 04 08 3183 3184 Preetzmann-Aggerholm 218/386
pdf Grenada Harmer Rooke 1963 04 25 4558 Taylor, Mrs W. 257 QV; EPS; EL; PMC
Saint Lucia Harmers 1963 05 06 3188-3190 57 QV
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1963 07 23 2291 2292 2293 Burrus, M. XXIII 61 EPS, SL
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1963 07 23 2291 2292 2293 Burrus, M. XXIII 20
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1963 07 23 2291 2292 2293 Burrus, M. XXIII 81/546 Bahamas; Bermuda
Bermuda Equitable Stamp Co. 1963 10 22 182 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers 1963 11 04 3216-3218 Stothard, A. B. 34
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke (New York) 1963 11 21 1275-1277 Barrows, K. J. 220/764 Classic stamps
Barbados Mercury Stamp Company 1963 11 25 Markbreiter, M. 75 Britannias
Barbados Mercury Stamp Company 1963 11 25 Radford, EP 75 Britannias
West Indies - General Mercury Stamp Company 1963 11 25 Markbreiter, M. 334/2025 Classic stamps
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe 1963 11 26 2335 2336 Burrus, M. XXXIII 150 Cottonreels, etc.
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe 1963 11 26 2335 2336 Burrus, M. XXXIII 37 QV; provs.
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1963 11 26 2335 2336 Burrus, M. XXXIII 65 QC; provs.
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1963 11 26 2335 2336 Burrus, M. XXXIII 252/262 British Guiana; Br. Hondu­ras; Grenada
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe 1963 12 11 2353 2354 2355 48 1881 provs.
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1964 03 10 2392 2393 2394 2395 Burrus, M. XLII 49 QV
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1964 03 10 2392 2393 2394 2395 Burrus, M. XLII 161 Britannias; 1882 provs.
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1964 03 10 2392 2393 2394 2395 Burrus, M. XLII 281/755 Jamaica, Leewards, Montserrat. Nevis, Trinidad
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1964 06 02 2434 2435 2436 2437 Hall, T. W. 200 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1964 06 02 2434 2435 2436 2437 Hall, T. W. 89
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1964 06 02 2434 2435 2436 2437 Hall, T. W. 116 Britannias
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1964 06 02 2434 2435 2436 2437 Hall, T. W. 887 Bahamas; Br. Honduras; St. Vincent; Trinidad; Turks Is.
Grenada Mercury Stamp Company 1964 06 22 23 QV provs.
West Indies - General Mercury Stamp Company 1964 06 22 273/2578
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 75 EL; QV
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 32 EL; QV
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 132 EL; Britannias
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 31 EL; provs.
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 31 EL; QV
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 77 EL; QV
pdf Montserrat Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 31 EL; QV
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 80 EL; QV
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 39 QV
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 57 EL; QV
pdf Tobago Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 63 EL
pdf Virgin Islands Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 36 QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1964 10 06 2477 2478 2479 Urwick, R. H. 696
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1964 10 07 2480 2481 Creed, E. G. 93 QV; EPS
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1964 10 20 1590-1592 Watson, R. M. 173 Britannias; EPS
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1964 10 20 1590-1592 95 QV
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1964 10 20 1590-1592 394/1260
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1964 11 17 1596-1598 54 Early issues
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1964 11 17 1596-1598 38 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1964 11 17 1596-1598 408/1362 Flaws and varieties
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1964 11 23 3382 Lickfold), (E. K. 305
West Indies - General Harmer Rooke 1964 11 27 4672-73 47/451 Rarities
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke 1965 01 21 4683-85 Stephenson , C. A. Moray 41
Saint Lucia Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 53 QV
Bahamas Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 87 QV
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 72 Britannias
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 62 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 68 QV
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1965 03 08 1616-1619 Cornwall, C. 715/2563 Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, St. Lucia, St. Vincent
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1965 03 10 2543 2544 50
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1965 03 15 3302-3304 Collett, G. W. 295 PH; EPS; QV; KE; KGV
Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1965 05 06 93
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1965 07 27 2594 2595 2596 68
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1965 07 27 2594 2595 2596 172/512
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1965 10 12 58 PMC
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1965 11 15 1662-1665 Watson, E. B. 444/2395
Saint Vincent Harmer Rooke 1965 11 25 4760 Beaumont, K. H. 132
Saint Lucia Stanley Gibbons 1966 09 22 4829-4832 165 QV blocks
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1966 11 23 2809 2810 Montresor, F. M. 58/261 EPS
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1967 03 15 Lilly, J. K. II 103/1069 Countries A to L
Grenada Harmers 1967 04 03 3439 3440 Yuile, J. W. 71 QV; EL
Nevis Harmers 1967 04 03 3439 3440 Yuile, J. W. 90 QV; EPS; EL
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1967 04 26 2882 ( Pierce, A. D. ) 104 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1967 06 12 1772 1773 Hixon, F.C. 49
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1967 06 12 1772 1773 Hixon, F. C. 627/844
pdf Grenada Stanley Gibbons 1967 09 27 4918 4919 4920 4921 Pilkington, G. L. 168 QV; provs.; EL
Grenada Harmers 1967 10 16 3474-3477 103 QV; provs.; EPS; EL
Barbados Robson Lowe 1967 10 31 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 221
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1967 10 31 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 90
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1967 10 31 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 660/1224
Barbados Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 55 Britannias
British Guiana Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 31 Cottonreels; QV
Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 37 Rarities
Trinidad Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 58 Britannias
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 33 Rarities
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1967 12 06 4931-4933 Amundsen, L. 308/703 Rarities, blocks
Bermuda Harmers 1968 01 01 3493-3495 52 EL; QV
Saint Vincent Harmers 1968 01 01 3493-3495 94 QV
West Indies - General Harmers 1968 01 01 3493-3495 411/841
Bermuda Harmers 1968 05 06 3518-3521 Conyers, W. M. 46
Antigua Robson Lowe 1968 05 14 3026 3027 3028 3029 48
Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1968 05 14 3026 3027 3028 3029 81 QV
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1968 05 15 Lilly, J. K. VIII 178/859 Countries M to Z
West Indies - General Harmers 1968 05 20 3522 3523 Wilson, R. W. 107/445
Saint Lucia Harmers 1968 09 30 3540 3541 Scott, F. S. 62 QV; 1891 provs.
West Indies - General Harmers 1968 09 30 3540 3541 539/694
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1968 10 04 1852 203 Britannias
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1968 10 04 1852 35
Saint Lucia Robson Lowe (Basel) 1968 10 08 3058 Hewitt, V. 37
West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Basel) 1968 10 08 3058 Hewitt, V. 118/303
Grenada Harmers 1968 11 04 3547 3548 3549 56 QV; provs.; EL
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 35 EL (Codrington corr.)
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 53
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 285 EL; PMC; EPS
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 170 EL; QV
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 64 Britannias; EL
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1968 12 10 3114 3115 3116 Heathcote, H. J. 730
West Indies - General Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1969 00 00 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1969 02 13 5023 5024 Bahawalpur, Ameer of 83/446 QV, KE, GVI
pdf British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1969 02 17 1876, 1877 Dale-Lichtenstein 249
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1969 02 20 Jarvis, E. G. 215/1064
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1969 03 19 3577-3578 249/548
Saint Lucia Robert A. Siegel 1969 04 09 91 QV blocks
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1969 05 29 3186 3187 Mellor, G. 80 Britannias
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1969 05 29 3186 3187 Mellor, G. 135 QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1969 05 29 3186 3187 Mellor, G. 521/577
pdf British Guiana Harmers 1969 10 20 3609 Townsend, W. A. 264
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1969 11 25 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 Glassco, G. J. 130 EL
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1969 11 25 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 Glassco, J. G. 11 EL
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1969 11 25 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 Glassco, G. J. 252/1429 British POs abroad
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1969 12 01 3616-3618 Jefferson, I. W. 336/721
Bahamas Harmers 1970 03 02 3634 3635 Nixon, W. C. 28
West Indies - General Harmers 1970 03 02 3634 3635 368/637
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe 1970 03 26 3332 " Great (F. T. Small) " 305
pdf Barbados Stanley Gibbons 1970 05 07 5102 5103 Wheeler, L. S. 318
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 30 EL
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 45 EL
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 133 EL; provs.; Boer War
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 41 PMC; provs
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 168
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 17
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 31 EL
pdf Virgin Islands Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 27 EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1970 05 12 3357 3358 3359 Stitt, W. B. 676
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1970 06 09 3373 3374 3375 Bessemer, H. D. 515
pdf Barbados Harmers 1970 06 17 3654-3655 Brown, G. Bridgmore 216 Britannias; EPS
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1970 06 17 3654-3655 Brown, G. Bridgmore 153 Postal history
Antigua Stanley Gibbons 1970 07 08 5108-5110 46 EL
Trinidad Stanley Gibbons 1970 07 08 5108-5110 86 Britannias
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1970 07 08 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 Miller, W.L.E. 198/995
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1970 11 17 3435 3436 3437 3438 ( Taylor, A. S. ) 55
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1970 12 07 3681-3683 397/995
Barbados Harmers 1971 01 04 3686-3688 196 Britannias; QV; EPS
Saint Vincent Harmers 1971 01 04 3686-3688 88 QV
Leeward Islands Robson Lowe 1971 03 09 3480 3481 Toeg, E. V. 167 QV; EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Harmers 1971 03 15 3700-3702 76 postponed to 5 Apr 1971
pdf Nevis Harmers 1971 03 15 3700-3702 30
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1971 03 15 3700-3702 292/771
Anguilla Western Auctions 1971 03 24 Simmons, G. G. 32 Query date, s/b Apr?
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1971 03 24 3486 3487 Simmons, G. G. 107 QV
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe 1971 03 24 3486 3487 Simmons, G. G. 35 QV; 1881 provs.
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1971 03 24 3486 3487 Simmons, G. G. 535
pdf Cayman Islands Harmers 1971 04 05 3700-3702 76 Rescheduled from 15 Mar 1971
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1971 06 02 3512 Danson, J. R. 342
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1971 06 02 3512 Danson, J. R. 342 EPS
pdf Nevis Harmers 1971 09 27 3732-3733 Lewis, V. 53
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 65 EPS
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 56 Cottonreels, provs.
Cayman Islands Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 31 Provs.
Saint Lucia Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 35 QV
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 54 QV
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1972 02 15 2067-2070 Kobacker, M. S. 643/2206
pdf Bahamas Harmers 1972 02 28 3759-3761 Garrard, N. 120 QV; EL; EPS
pdf Barbados Harmers 1972 02 28 3759-3761 Kimball 78 Britannias
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1972 02 28 3759-3761 768/869
West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Basel) 1972 03 14 3583-3586 Steindler, J. P. 96/658 Private Shipping Stamps
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1972 03 21 3609 3610 3611 Guth, H. 75
pdf Barbados Harmers 1972 05 08 3772-3774 53
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1972 05 08 3772-3774
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1972 09 06 3669 3670 Erickson, E. M. 529 QV
pdf Jamaica Stanley Gibbons 1972 09 21 5205 5206 Mitchell, H. 247 PH; EPS; PMC
Tobago Stanley Gibbons 1972 09 21 5205 5206 Beach, A. E. 148 EL; EPS
West Indies - General Harmers 1973 02 05 3819-3822 248/936
Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1973 04 26 2130 2131 Logan, A. H. ? 51 QV blocks and sheets
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1973 05 01 3746 21 QV blocks
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1973 05 01 3746 291/362
Barbados Harmers 1973 10 01 3856-3858 Lockie, J. M. 78 20th century EPS
pdf British Honduras Stanley Gibbons 1973 10 04 5256 Tucker, Sir Henry 3 Collection of rarities
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1973 10 04 5256 16/130 Classics of the Br. Empire
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1973 11 14 Matthies, Miss K. 210/1169
pdf Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1973 11 23 5268 ( Tomasini, M. ) 50 QV
Cayman Islands Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1973 12 06 9 Lockie, J. M. 166 Jamaica used; EPS
pdf West Indies - General British West Indies Study Circle (1974 to date) 1974 00 00 Held sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs. URL links to list of auctions and can drill down to view PDF scans
Bermuda Robson Lowe 1974 01 16 3813 Ludington, M. H. 169 Caravel issue
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1974 04 02 3834 3835 209 EPS; PMC
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1974 04 02 3834 3835 397/649
Barbados Harmers (New York) 1974 10 16 2223 2224 Henry, Mrs T. Charlton 192 Britannias: EL
Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1974 10 16 2223 2224 Henry, Mrs T. Charlton 142 QV
Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1974 10 16 2223 2224 Henry, Mrs T. Charlton 89 Britannias; EL
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1974 10 16 2223 2224 Henry, Mrs T. Charlton 766/1088
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1974 11 05 3916 Cameron, B. R. 68
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1974 11 05 3916 Cameron, B. R. 335
West Indies - General British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group (1975 to date) 1975 00 00 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
West Indies - General Colonial Stamp Company, Los Angeles (1975 to date) 1975 00 00 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
pdf Virgin Islands Harmers 1975 01 06 3926-3928 33
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe 1975 03 12 3947 ( Nabarro, F. J. ) 234
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1975 03 12 3948 320/565
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1975 03 17 2254-2255 Shenfield, L. L. 61/245 Classic covers
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1975 05 12 3949-3952 Dumas, H. 109 GVI
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1975 09 23 4001 Hicks, H. D. 256
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1975 09 29 3966-3968 215/678 EPS
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe (Bournemouth) 1975 10 02 3997-3998 Hicks, H. D. 32 Postal stationery
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 27 EL
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 23 EL, EPS
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 63 EL; Caravel issue
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 28 EL; QV
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 26 QV
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 74 EL; EPS
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 26 QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1975 11 28 4005 Part No: 1 De La Rue 369/518
West Indies - General Caribbean Philatelic Auctions (1976 to 2011) 1976 00 00 2011 Held sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs. URL links to list of auctions and can drill down to view PDF scans
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1976 01 14 4020 4021 61 EPS
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 32 EPS
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 33
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 31 EPS
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 32 EPS
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 13 EPS
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 12 EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 28 EPS
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 48 EPS; QV
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 57 EPS
pdf Leeward Islands Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 18 EPS
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 20 EPS
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 23 EPS
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe 1976 04 13 4056 4057 60 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1976 04 14 4055 De La Rue 625 EPS
pdf British Honduras Stanley Gibbons 1976 04 29 5381 5382 ( Tucker, ex Sir Henry ) 126
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Bournemouth) 1976 09 10 4090 De La Rue 25/335 Revenue EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Western Auctions 1976 09 11 631-32 ( Lloyd-Lowles, Col. D. G. ) 142
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1976 09 14 4091 4092 4093 Surtees, V.N.F. 7 Jamaica used.
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1976 09 14 4091 4092 4093 Surtees, V.N.F. 742
West Indies - General Corinphila 1976 10 25 115/6902
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4005 Part No: 1 232 EL; rate study; EPS
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 Dickason, L. T. 196 Provs.; EPS
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 O’Connor, H. 267
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 Pierce, A. D. 208 QV; EPS; PMC
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 Francis, E.C. 208 QV; EPS; PMC
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 98 Britannias; EPS
pdf Trinidad and Tobago Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 De La Rue 20 EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1976 12 02 4125 De La Rue 1104 EPS
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1977 03 21 4051-4053 Thompson, Mrs N. E. 207
pdf Montserrat Harmers 1977 03 21 4051-4053 Thompson, E. K. 163
pdf Barbados Stanley Gibbons 1977 04 21 5438 Cartier, C. I 17 Rarities
pdf British Guiana Stanley Gibbons 1977 04 21 5438 Cartier, C. I 14 Rarities
pdf Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1977 04 21 5438 Cartier, C. I 18 Rarities
pdf Trinidad Stanley Gibbons 1977 04 21 5438 Cartier, C. I 13 Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1977 04 21 5438 Cartier, C. I 90/147 Rarities
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1977 05 10 4175 106
Cayman Islands Wolffers 1977 06 16 121 PH; EPS
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1977 06 22 4182 Shilstone, H. M. 378 Britannias; EPS
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1977 06 22 4182 Shilstone, H. M. 44 EL; Britannias; EPS
Saint Lucia Stanley Gibbons 1977 09 15 5459 Cartier, C. II 27
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1977 09 15 5459 Cartier, C. II 54/109
Barbados Sotheby's (NY) 1977 11 09 VII Homan, B. H. 1 48 Britannias
Saint Vincent Sotheby's (NY) 1977 11 09 VII Homan, B. H. 1 76 QV
West Indies - General Sotheby's (NY) 1977 11 09 VII Homan, B. H. 1 345/1900 QV & KE multiples
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1977 11 29 4087-4090 401//1446
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 41 EPS
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 52 EPS
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 72 EL; PMC
pdf Leeward Islands Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 75 EPS
pdf Montserrat Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 42 EPS
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 51 EPS
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 24 Britannias; EPS
pdf Virgin Islands Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 34 EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1978 01 27 4243 De La Rue 413/531 EPS
Barbados Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 181 Britannias
British Honduras Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 264 PH; QV; EPS; ME
Cayman Islands Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 112 Jamaica used
Jamaica Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 343 EL
Nevis Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 74 QV; 1883 provs.
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 42
Saint Lucia Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 45
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 56
West Indies - General Maresch 1978 02 15 Hart, R. A. 1300/1391 EL
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1978 03 16 5485 287/974
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1978 03 21 4106-4109 Forsyth, W. W. 586
Barbados Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 145 EL; Britannias
Dominica Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 79 EL; QV
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 145 EL; QV
Saint Lucia Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 167 QV; EPS
Tobago Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 49
Trinidad Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 60 Britannias; EL
West Indies - General Harmers 1978 03 22 4108 4109 Forsyth, W. W. 1660
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1978 03 28 2449 2450 48 Cottonreels
pdf Dominica Robson Lowe 1978 04 25 4271 4272 ( Blackman ) 98 EL; QV; EPS
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1978 06 05 2460- 2464 Work, H. L. 16/2202 Booklets
Barbados Harmers 1978 06 08 4124 4125 Collinson, B. J. 135 EL; Britannias
Cayman Islands Western Auctions 1978 09 02 677-78 172 PH
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 33
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 55
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 57
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 130
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 88 EL; EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1978 09 12 4308 4309 4310 664/960 Madeira correspondence
pdf Grenada Stanley Gibbons 1978 10 11 5507 273
pdf Saint Lucia Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1978 10 11 20 Lockie, J. M. 382
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1978 10 17 4141-4142 Tucker, Sir Henry I 581
British Honduras Western Auctions 1978 11 11 681-82 91 EPS
Saint Vincent Roger Koerber 1978 11 22 65 De La Rue issues
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1978 12 07 5518 47/311 Rarities
Bermuda Folk EH 1979 00 00 1986 Mail sales offering specialised Bermuda material were held by E. H. Folk between 1979 and 1986
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 114 QV; EPS
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 61 EPS
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 76 EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 102 EPS
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 48 EPS
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 279 PMC; EPS
pdf Leeward Islands Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 14 EPS
pdf Montserrat Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 28
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 70 EPS
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 27 EPS
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 57 EPS
pdf Trinidad and Tobago Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 De La Rue 17 EPS
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 39 EPS
pdf Virgin Islands Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 27
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Bermuda) 1979 02 15 4359-4361 De La Rue 1103/1129 EPS
Dominica London Stamp Exchange 1979 03 09 50 EL, QV
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1979 04 11 4384 81/1472 EPS
pdf Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1979 04 24 2504 Tucker, Sir Henry II 261
Cayman Islands Greg Manning 1979 05 22 168
pdf Antigua Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 42 EL (Codrington corr.)
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 109 EL; Britannias
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 18 EPS
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 48 EPS
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 74
pdf Trinidad Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 37 EL; EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1979 06 12 4400 4401 4402 565/896
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1979 06 19 4188-4192 Foster, T. 130
pdf Montserrat Harmers 1979 06 19 4188-4192 ( Toeg, E. V. ) I 63 EL
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers 1979 06 19 4188-4192 60
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1979 06 19 4188-4192 690
Trinidad London Stamp Exchange 1979 06 22 27 EL (1813-21)
pdf Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1979 09 04 5543 267 QV; EL; EPS
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1979 09 19 Perrault, R. ? 113 EPS; provs.
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1979 09 25 4425 4426 Ayre, J. F. 187 QV; EL; EPS
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1979 10 18 5548 " Eastern " 37/236 Rarities
pdf British Honduras Harmers 1979 11 08 4210-4211 22 Preadhesives
pdf British Guiana Robson Lowe 1979 11 14 4446 4447 ( Shields-Forshaw, E. ) 34 EL
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1979 11 27 2522-2528 " Carolina " 452/3208
West Indies - General Michael Hamilton Mail sales (1980 to 2003) 1980 00 00 2003 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
Cayman Islands Western Auctions 1980 01 12 703-04 62 EPS
pdf Bahamas Robson Lowe 1980 03 04 4486 4487 4488 140 QV; EPS
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1980 03 04 4486 4487 4488 29 QV; EPS; PS
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1980 03 04 4486 4487 4488 48 Postal stationery
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1980 03 04 4486 4487 4488 481/813
pdf Antigua Harmers 1980 03 11 4227-4230 Turner, E. W. 118 QV
pdf Barbados Harmers 1980 03 11 4227-4230 Cave, S. 150 Britannias; later issues
pdf Tobago Harmers 1980 03 11 4227-4230 ( Ransome, J. ) 93 EPS
pdf Trinidad Harmers 1980 03 11 4227-4230 Turner, E. W. 188 Britannias
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1980 03 11 4227-4230 1123/1479
Nevis Warwick & Warwick 1980 05 07 88
pdf British Honduras Harmers 1980 06 03 4243-4246 Barnstone, H. 189
Bermuda Warwick & Warwick 1980 07 02 Ludington, M. H. ex 85 Keyplates
pdf West Indies - General Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1980 09 22 23 Darnton, R. E. 234/1920 20th Century rarities
pdf Grenada Harmers 1980 09 30 4261-4263 98
pdf Tobago Sotheby's (UK) 1980 10 02 Doolittle, F. W. 100
pdf Bermuda Robson Lowe 1980 11 04 4557 4558 46 Early letters
pdf Jamaica Robson Lowe 1980 11 04 4557 4558 Profitt, B. 137 EL; PMC; QV; KE
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1980 11 04 4557 4558 409/850
pdf Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1980 11 12 5573 79 Specimens
British Honduras Harmers (New York) 1980 12 10 2577 2578 44 EPS
pdf Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1981 01 22 2583 " Ursula " 178 QV; EPS
Jamaica East of England Auctions 1981 01 31 43 EL
Bermuda Stanley Gibbons (New York) 1981 02 18 11 Rarities
Trinidad Stanley Gibbons (New York) 1981 02 18 11 Rarities
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons (New York) 1981 02 18 62/413 Rarities
pdf Grenada Stanley Gibbons 1981 03 05 5580 13 EL (Duncan corr.)
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1981 03 05 5580 164/773
pdf Cayman Islands Sotheby's 1981 03 26 " REW " 166
pdf Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1981 04 28 24 174 GVI
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1981 05 28 4616 437/450 EPS
pdf Barbados Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 ( Nathanson, H. M. ) 303 Britannias; EPS; EL
pdf British Honduras Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 21 EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 45
pdf Dominica Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 35 EPS
pdf Grenada Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 35 EPS
pdf Jamaica Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 36 EPS
pdf Saint Lucia Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 52 EPS
pdf Saint Vincent Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 49 EPS; EL
pdf Trinidad Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 51 EL; Britannias; EPS
pdf West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1981 09 10 5593 741
pdf Jamaica London Stamp Exchange 1981 09 18 Saville-Smith, Col 83
Bahamas J. W. Kaufmann 1981 09 25 Burckmeyer Corr. 22 Blockade covers
Cayman Islands Kover King 1981 10 22 171 PH; PMC
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe (Zurich) 1981 11 25 4669 " Olive Blossom " I 253
pdf West Indies - General Pennymead Philatelic Auctions 1982 00 00 2008 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
West Indies - General Robson Lowe (New York) 1982 01 20 NY-3 661/714
pdf Barbados Robson Lowe 1982 02 10 4675 " Olive Blossom " II 109
pdf Cayman Islands Robson Lowe 1982 02 10 4675 134 Jamaica used; PH
pdf Grenada Robson Lowe 1982 02 10 4675 Payne, C. 203
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmers 1982 02 16 4339-4343 97
Bermuda Phillips 1982 03 25 32 Queen Victoria issues
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1982 04 15 2624-2626 ( Lea, W.E. (stock) ) 210/1272 PH; EPS
pdf Jamaica Harmers 1982 05 18 4351-4353 Fox 174 PH
Trinidad Stanley Gibbons 1982 06 10 5593 62 Britannias
Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1982 07 15 2640-2642 25 QV
West Indies - General Robson Lowe (Zurich) 1982 09 30 4724 " Midas " 112/397
pdf British Honduras Robson Lowe 1982 10 28 4737 4738 Creed, E. G. 72
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1982 10 28 4737 4738 McGregor, C. 136 PMC
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1982 10 28 4737 4738 527/682
pdf Jamaica Sissons 1982 12 14 421 Willson 548 PH
pdf Nevis Robson Lowe 1982 12 14 4753 4754 Messenger, J. L. 44
pdf Saint Lucia Robson Lowe 1982 12 14 4753 4754 Messenger, J. L. 96
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1982 12 14 4753 4754 Messenger, J. L. 474/1085
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1983 01 11 4755 4756 Messenger, J. L. 576
West Indies - General Heinrich Köhler 1983 02 08 Bollen, A. 138/973 GB used abroad
Barbados Robson Lowe 1983 03 16 4763 Messenger, J. L. 244 Withdrawn; sold to J. Hackmey
Grenada Robson Lowe 1983 03 16 4763 Messenger, J. L. 299 Withdrawn; sold to J. Hackmey
Bahamas Kover King 1983 04 12 McFarlan, W. M. 437 PMC
British Honduras Kover King 1983 04 12 ( McFarlan, W. M. ) 133 PMC
Cayman Islands Kover King 1983 04 12 ( McFarlan, W. M. ) 89 PMC
Montserrat Kover King 1983 04 12 ( McFarlan, W. M. ) 49 PMC
West Indies - General Kover King 1983 04 12 ( McFarlan, W. M. ) 1897/4731 PMC
Barbados Robson Lowe 1983 04 13 4473 4474 56 EPS
British Guiana Robson Lowe 1983 04 13 4473 4474 27 EL
West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1983 04 13 4473 4474 173/1753
West Indies - General Harmers 1983 06 07 4377 186/847 Specimens
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1983 06 08 4378-4381 148
pdf Bahamas Kover King 1983 06 28 McFarlan, W. M. 361 PMC
Cayman Islands Kover King 1983 06 28 66 PMC
pdf Montserrat Robson Lowe 1983 09 06 4799 4800 Toeg, E. V. II 151 QV; EPS
pdf Saint Vincent Robson Lowe 1983 09 06 4799 4800 122 QV; PMC; EPS
pdf West Indies - General Robson Lowe 1983 09 06 4799 4800 473/800 EPS
pdf West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1983 10 28 2679 " Windsor " 81/850 British POs abroad
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmers 1983 11 09 4396 4397 Britnor, L. E. 16 EL
pdf Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1983 11 14 29 453 GVI
British Honduras Phillips 1983 12 01 30 PH
pdf West Indies - General BWI Auctions (1984 to 1988) 1984 00 00 1988 Held sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs. URL links to list of auctions and can drill down to view PDF scans
pdf Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1984 03 05 30 ( Pearson, J. P. ) 225 GVI
pdf Bahamas CRL 1984 03 27 8014 Branston, A. T. 91 EPS (esp. QEII)
pdf Montserrat CRL 1984 03 27 8014 32 1876 ovpts.
pdf Saint Vincent CRL 1984 03 27 8014 Cameron, B. R. 128 QV
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1984 03 27 8014 361/511
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1984 04 11 2692 " Windsor " II 45/618 British POs abroad
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1984 05 01 4412-4414 248 Keyplates
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1984 05 01 4412-4414 586/1762
Antigua CRL 1984 05 09 8020 Marshall, L.M.W. 53
West Indies - General CRL 1984 05 09 8020 Hicks, H. D. 45/128 Crowned circles
pdf Trinidad Harmers 1984 06 12 4415 4416 ( Kanai ) 50 Britannias; EL
Leeward Islands B.W.I. Auctions 1984 09 07 ( Freeland, C. A. ) 124 PMC; EPS
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1984 09 11 2703-2705 38 1881 provs.
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1984 10 09 2706 " Prestige " 9 1881 provs.
pdf Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1984 10 18 32 74 Keyplates
pdf Barbados Harmers 1984 10 30 4425-4428 Sheppard, M. 224 EL
pdf Nevis Harmers 1984 10 30 4425-4428 49
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmers 1984 10 30 4425-4428 ( Ludington, M. H. ) 112 EPS
Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1984 11 13 2707-2710 41 EL
Grenada Sotheby's 1984 11 28 " Concepcion " 75 QV; later issues
Tobago Sotheby's 1984 11 28 " Charlotteville (J. Michael) " 195 EL; EPS
pdf Jamaica CRL 1985 02 20 8060 Malin, L. 74
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1985 02 20 8060 377/742 Waterlow EPS
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1985 03 06 4437 Loach, J. C. 71/718 Postal History
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1985 03 07 4438 4439 Loach , J. C. 302/1266
pdf British Honduras Cavendish 1985 04 20 383 Macmillan, H. B. 44
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 1985 04 20 383 Macmillan, H. B. 69
pdf Barbados Harmers 1985 04 25 4443 Benwell, B. B. 351
pdf Virgin Islands Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1985 06 10 34 31 QV
pdf Dominica Harmers 1985 06 19 4446 ( Vivian-Brown, H. ) 139
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1985 06 19 4446 ( Vivian-Brown, H. ) 419/612 PMC
Antigua CRL (New York) 1985 09 19 50 EL
pdf Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons (Jo'burg) 1985 10 31 SA-13 144 Jamaica used
West Indies - General David Feldman (New York) 1985 11 19 Melat, D. 523/5884 Rarities; EPS; blocks
pdf Grenada CRL 1985 11 26 8100 Hackmey, J. 329
pdf Bahamas Harmers 1985 11 28 4459 17 EL
pdf Saint Lucia Harmers 1985 11 28 4459 55 EL; QV
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1985 11 28 4459 253/433
West Indies - General Empire Stamp Auctions (1986 to date) 1986 00 00 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
pdf Jamaica CRL 1986 01 22 8107 163
pdf Grenada CRL 1986 01 23 8108 194 EL; EPS
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1986 01 23 8108 Wilkinson, Bradbury 498/597 Essays and proofs
Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons (Jo'burg) 1986 03 06 41
Antigua Sotheby's 1986 04 10 55
Dominica Sotheby's 1986 04 10 57 EPS
Montserrat Sotheby's 1986 04 10 62 EPS
Barbados David Feldman (Geneva) 1986 04 16 Hackmey, J. 338
Saint Lucia Phillips 1986 04 17 Ritchie, G. G. 43 EL
Saint Vincent Harmers 1986 06 10 4475 4476 Fitzgerald, F. D. 79
Trinidad Harmers 1986 06 10 4475 4476 101 Britannias
West Indies - General Harmers 1986 06 10 4475 4476 591/883
Cayman Islands Kover King 1986 08 19 150 PMC
West Indies - General CRL (New York) 1986 12 11 100/408
Barbados CRL (New York) 1987 03 11 " Isleham " 23 Rarities
British Guiana CRL (New York) 1987 03 11 " Isleham " 22 Rarities
Trinidad CRL (New York) 1987 03 11 " Isleham " 31 Britannias
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) CRL (New York) 1987 03 11 " Isleham " 25 Rarities
West Indies - General CRL (New York) 1987 03 11 " Isleham " IV 165/677 Rarities
pdf Jamaica CRL 1987 04 14 8161 77
pdf Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1987 05 21 2786 Saylor 36 GB used
pdf Barbados Phillips 1987 05 28 26655 Bank, Barclays 249
pdf West Indies - General Phillips 1987 05 28 26657A Bank, Barclays 469/587
Saint Vincent CRL 1987 07 07 8172 Surtees, V.N.F. 28 PMC
West Indies - General CRL 1987 07 07 8172 F. Surtees, V. N. 163/821
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1987 10 14 4509 4510 Vaughan, R.W.G. I 100 Keyplates
Grenada David Feldman (Zurich) 1987 11 16 ( Johnson, B. E. ) 132
British Guiana Phillips 1987 11 26 24 GV Essays
Antigua CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 51 EL; QV
Bahamas CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 36 QV; EL
Barbados CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 86 Britannias; EL
British Guiana CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 65 EL
Cayman Islands CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 51
Saint Lucia CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 48 QV; EL
Trinidad CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 44 Britannias; EL
West Indies - General CRL (New York) 1987 12 15 ( Brassler, N. W. ) 852/1044 EL; EPS
pdf Cayman Islands Harmers (New York) 1987 12 16 2800 Gaston, H. 25 Jamaica used
pdf Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1987 12 16 2800 Gaston, H. I 81 EL; PMC
pdf Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1987 12 17 2801 2802 Gaston, H. II 280
Bermuda Harmers 1988 01 19 4513-4515 Vaughan, R.W.G. II 143 Keyplates
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 1988 04 27 5656 213/1066
pdf Cayman Islands Harmers 1988 05 10 4520 Edmondson, R. J. 173
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1988 05 24 Cole, C. C. 345/1494
Bahamas Cavendish 1988 06 04 416 Bailey, J. M. 142
British Guiana CRL 1988 09 07 8214 L’Anson, J. A. P, 81
West Indies - General Harmers 1988 10 12 4534 280/692
pdf Dominica Phillips 1988 11 17 27438 " Beaver Creek " 139
pdf West Indies - General Phillips 1988 11 17 27439 " Beaver Creek " 33/114 Crowned Circles
Bermuda Collins and Lonsdale 1989 00 00 1990 Mail sales offering specialised Bermuda material were held by Collins and Lonsdale between 1989 and 1990.
Saint Vincent Heinrich Köhler 1989 02 08 22 EL
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 1989 04 08 424 96 EL (Perrin–Fitzherbert)
pdf Jamaica Caribbean Philatelic Auctions (1976 to 2011) 1989 04 12 Thompson, B. 521
Jamaica CRL 1989 04 25 8236 51
Saint Lucia CRL 1989 04 25 8236 76 EL
West Indies - General CRL 1989 04 25 8236 277/1151
Dominica CRL 1989 04 26 8237 Roberts, T. V. 21 Manuscript marks
Leeward Islands CRL 1989 04 26 8237 Roberts, T. V. 10 RMSP markings
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis CRL 1989 04 26 8237 Roberts, T. V. 7 Manuscript markings
pdf Cayman Islands Phillips 1989 05 11 27683 19 Rarities
pdf Cayman Islands Phillips 1989 06 01 27711 22 Jamaica used
pdf Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1989 06 26 Ulrich, G. H. 1367
Saint Vincent CRL 1989 07 25 4110 Pratt, R. R. 36
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1989 09 12 2840-2842 ( Smith ) 72 EL; keyplates
pdf Antigua CRL 1989 10 24 4143 44 EL (Codrington corr.)
pdf Barbados CRL 1989 10 24 4143 ( Wood, H. W. ) 172 EL; EPS
pdf British Honduras CRL 1989 10 24 4143 ( Wood, H. W. ) 32 EL
pdf Cayman Islands CRL 1989 10 24 4143 35
pdf Jamaica CRL 1989 10 24 4143 67 EL; EPS
pdf Leeward Islands CRL 1989 10 24 4143 68 EL; EPS
pdf Saint Vincent CRL 1989 10 24 4143 ( Strachan, A. J. ) 169 EL; EPS
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1989 10 24 4143 ( Wood, H ) 729
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1989 10 24 4143 ( Strachan, AJ ) 929
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 1989 12 06 346/695
Bermuda Battle Green Stamp Co 1990 00 00 Mail sales offering specialised Bermuda material were held by Battle Green Stamp Co. in 1990.
Bermuda Shaw, Reid L 1990 00 00 1993 Mail sales offering specialised Bermuda material were held by Reid L. Shaw between 1990 and 1993.
Antigua CRL 1990 01 22 4210 Manning, K.J.O.A. 126 EL; EPS
Bahamas CRL 1990 01 22 4210 Manning, K.J.O.A. 47 EPS; EL
Tobago CRL 1990 01 22 4210 Manning, K.J.O.A. 21 EL
West Indies - General CRL 1990 01 22 4210 Manning, K.J.O.A. 274/1606
Bermuda CRL 1990 03 14 4240 Barber, T. D. 69 GVI
West Indies - General CRL 1990 03 14 4240 Barber, T. D. 133/916 GVI
West Indies - General CRL 1990 04 24 4270 253/1500
Bermuda Rand Stamp Auc. (Pretoria) 1990 05 10 28 Boer POW mail
pdf Bermuda Harmers 1990 05 15 4566 Michael, A. L. 38 EL
pdf West Indies - General Harmers 1990 05 15 4566 Michael, A. L. 176/952
West Indies - General Sotheby's 1990 07 18 " Dallas " 396/2285
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Sotheby's 1990 07 19 " Dallas " 38
pdf Antigua Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 20 Rarities
pdf Bahamas Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 32 Rarities
pdf Barbados Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 70 Rarities
pdf Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 25 Rarities
pdf Cayman Islands Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 6 Rarities
pdf Dominica Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 14 Rarities
pdf Grenada Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 28 Rarities
pdf Jamaica Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 18 Rarities
pdf Nevis Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 41 Rarities
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 27 Rarities
pdf Saint Vincent Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 64 Rarities
pdf Tobago Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 15 Rarities
pdf Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 44 Rarities
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 30 Rarities
pdf Virgin Islands Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 16 Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1990 09 12 2861 Dale-Lichtenstein 16 500 Rarities
Bermuda CRL 1990 10 23 4388 Wong, W.C.K. 135 Keyplates
West Indies - General CRL 1990 10 23 4388 Wong, W.C.K. 190/415 GVI
pdf Barbados Harmers 1990 10 24 4570 Bayley, E. A. 134
pdf Antigua CRL 1990 12 12 4442 Toeg, E. V. 196 EL; QV; EPS; KE; KGV
pdf Bahamas CRL 1990 12 12 4436 ( Davis, T. ) 132 PMC
pdf Leeward Islands CRL 1990 12 12 4436 38 PMC; EPS
pdf Saint Lucia CRL 1990 12 12 4436 57 QV
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1990 12 12 4436 347/998
Bermuda Warwick & Warwick 1991 02 06 95 Keyplates
pdf Bermuda CRL 1991 03 13 4483 52 Keyplates
pdf British Honduras CRL 1991 03 13 4483 Addiss, E. F. 225 PH; PMC
pdf Jamaica CRL 1991 03 13 4483 49 QV; War stamps
pdf Saint Vincent CRL 1991 03 13 4483 60 QV
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1991 03 13 4483 467/1686
pdf Grenada CRL 1991 06 12 4550 Jones, R. 117
pdf Jamaica CRL 1991 06 12 4550 119
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1991 06 12 4550 303/1361
West Indies - General Ivy, Shreve & Mader (London) 1991 06 19 " Samos (S. Arnstein) " 211/1421 QV
Bahamas Ivy, Shreve & Mader (London) 1991 06 21 " Alford (Gersdorf) " I 70
Barbados Ivy, Shreve & Mader (London) 1991 06 21 " Alford (Gersdorf) " I 133 Britannias; ESP
Bermuda Ivy, Shreve & Mader (London) 1991 06 21 " Alford (Gersdorf) " I 82 QV; ESP; keyplates
pdf British Honduras CRL 1991 09 18 4604 32 EL
pdf Cayman Islands CRL 1991 09 18 4604 32
pdf Jamaica CRL 1991 09 18 4604 Watts, M. D. 122 EL; EPS; PMC
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) CRL 1991 09 18 4604 Watts, M. D. 60 EL; EPS; PMC
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1991 09 18 4604 474/2113
Bermuda Temple Bar Auctions (Guernsey) 1991 10 24 308 Keyplates
Barbados Ivy, Shreve & Mader 1991 11 06 " Alford " II 43 Britannias; ESP
West Indies - General Ivy, Shreve & Mader 1991 11 06 " Asch, G " 136/1830 Early issues
pdf Antigua CRL 1992 03 04 4712 41 EL
pdf Cayman Islands CRL 1992 03 04 4712 Marston, E. III 365
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1992 03 04 4712 525/1793
Barbados Ivy, Shreve & Mader 1992 03 09 Gilbert, Edward M 70
West Indies - General Ivy, Shreve & Mader 1992 03 09 259/2050
Cayman Islands Cavendish 1992 05 09 455 Peach, F. 54
Antigua CRL 1992 06 04 27 EL
pdf Cayman Islands CRL 1992 06 04 4819 Byl, J. 144
Bermuda Harmers (New York) 1992 07 16 2882 Hamm, A. C. 40 Keyplates
Nevis Wolffers 1992 10 01 ( Fox, W. A. ) 21 EL
pdf Bahamas CRL 1992 10 27 4829 ( Wood, H. ) 168 PH
pdf Dominica CRL 1992 10 27 4829 ( Wood, H. W. ) 102
pdf Jamaica CRL 1992 10 27 4829 72 PH
pdf Saint Lucia CRL 1992 10 27 4829 Latto, C. 107
pdf Virgin Islands CRL 1992 10 27 4829 Fredrick, J. L. 228
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1992 10 27 4829 Latto, C. 879
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1992 10 27 4829 Fredrick, J.L. 879
Bahamas CRL (New York) 1992 11 02 ( Wood, H. ) 34 PH
Saint Lucia Phillips 1992 12 10 66
pdf Cayman Islands CRL 1993 03 02 4974 45
pdf Tobago CRL 1993 03 02 4929 Latto, C. 23 Specimens
pdf Trinidad CRL 1993 03 02 4974 147
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1993 03 02 4974 324/1606
Barbados Maresch 1993 03 31 Bayley, C. H. 461
Bermuda Cavendish 1993 06 25 468-469 Hart, W. R. 50 Boer War
Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons 1993 06 29 5726-5728 38
Leeward Islands Stanley Gibbons 1993 06 29 5726-5728 80
Bahamas Phillips 1993 07 01 Austin, R, H. 80 QV; EPS
Virgin Islands E. Apfelbaum 1993 08 31 68
British Honduras CRL 1993 09 21 5039 104
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) CRL 1993 09 21 5039 Latto, C. 56 Specimens
West Indies - General CRL 1993 09 21 5039 252/1687
Bermuda CRL (New York) 1993 10 28 Brassler, N. W. 172
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1993 11 21 Gallagher, D. S. 248/1853
Antigua CRL 1993 12 14 5104 Thompson, A. 74
Saint Vincent CRL 1993 12 14 5104 Brassler, N. W. 113 EL
West Indies - General CRL (New York) 1993 12 14 272/2558
pdf Dominica CRL 1994 03 08 5159 Sugarman, S. 252
pdf Nevis CRL 1994 03 09 5157 Manning, K.J.A.O. 27
pdf Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis CRL 1994 03 09 5157 Manning, K.J.A.O. 39 EL
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1994 03 09 5157 Manning, K.J.A.O. 220/1206
Bahamas Robert A. Siegel 1994 03 23 14 Blockade runners, FACs
Cayman Islands Phillips 1994 04 21 38
West Indies - General Phillips 1994 04 21 Rimington, G. P. 245/681
pdf Barbados CRL 1994 06 02 5182 51
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1994 06 02 5182 253/1356
pdf West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1994 09 27 2898 Kornan, P. J. 25/274 Preadhesive covers
West Indies - General Ivy & Mader 1994 09 29 " Asch, G " 132
West Indies - General Ivy & Mader 1994 09 29 " Alford " 762
Antigua Phillips 1994 11 10 Cornell, W. 19 Pre-adhesive markings
Saint Vincent Phillips 1994 11 10 Blakey, G. 81 QV; covers
Saint Lucia CRL 1994 12 13 5318 25
West Indies - General CRL 1994 12 13 5318 146/1109
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Pennymead Philatelic Auctions 1995 02 25 58 Zell, L. (ex) 16 EPS
Bahamas Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. 47
Barbados Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. J. 48
Bermuda Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. J. 43 Keyplates
Cayman Islands Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. J. 79
Leeward Islands Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. 63
West Indies - General Shreves 1995 03 17 Prappas, D. J. 572/917
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1995 03 20 Whitin, H. T. 363 GV
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 1995 03 20 Whitin, H. T. 931
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 1995 03 20 Derby 1949
Dominica Phillips 1995 04 20 50
pdf Grenada Phillips 1995 04 20 29880 Towers, R. P. 278
British Guiana CRL 1995 05 24 5393 104 EL; Specimens
West Indies - General CRL 1995 05 24 5393 159/930
West Indies - General Ivy & Mader 1995 06 28 Hadley 147/1078 KE blocks
Bermuda CRL 1995 09 20 5476 ( Gompel, B. C. ) 180
Cayman Islands Shreves 1995 09 23 Cooley, R. J. 166
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 1995 09 29 501 Swarbrick, R. V. 955
West Indies - General David Feldman (Zurich) 1995 10 08 192/2551 Covers
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1995 11 13 Shaw, R. L. 590 Keyplates
West Indies - General Shreves 1996 02 23 Gibralter, H. and T. 112/613
pdf Bahamas CRL 1996 02 28 8139 Moreton-Black, H. 238 QV; GVI; EPS
pdf Bermuda CRL 1996 02 28 8139 55
pdf West Indies - General CRL 1996 02 28 8139 353/1129
British Guiana Corinphila 1996 03 02 34 Classic issues
West Indies - General Corinphila 1996 03 02 116/9530
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1996 04 23 " KL " 19/69 Rare covers
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1996 05 22 Passano, E. M. 60/998 Rarities
pdf Saint Vincent CRL 1996 06 18 5614 22
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1996 06 24 Rand, R. F. 742 PH, keyplates
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1996 06 24 Swain, LW 742 PH, keyplates
British Guiana Harmers (New York) 1996 09 26 2908 51 Cottonreels
Trinidad Harmers (New York) 1996 09 26 2908 21 Rarities
Bermuda Warwick & Warwick 1996 10 02 Zappa, M. 433 Keyplates
Nevis Robert A. Siegel 1996 10 15 Schneider, H. S. 15 Sheets
Saint Vincent Robert A. Siegel 1996 10 15 Schneider, H. S. 44
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Robert A. Siegel 1996 10 15 Schneider, H. S. 31 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Robert A. Siegel 1996 10 15 Schneider, H. S. 410/803
Trinidad Robert A. Siegel 1996 10 18 33 EL
Grenada Phillips 1996 11 07 Paynter, R. 50
Saint Lucia Phillips 1996 11 07 Paynter, R. 37
Saint Vincent Phillips 1996 11 07 Paynter, R. 83
West Indies - General Phillips 1996 11 07 Paynter, R. 175/523
pdf Saint Lucia Harmers 1996 12 18 4651 " Molly (L. Sackstein) " 24
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1997 01 31 Swain, L. W. 698 PH, keyplates
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 1997 01 31 Rand, R. F. 112
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Cavendish 1997 01 31 519 " Leamington (M. Wilson) " 73
West Indies - General Spink 1997 03 12 88/757
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1997 06 20 Shaw, R. L. 1369 PH, GV
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 1997 06 20 Glazer, M 1369 PH, GV
pdf Bermuda Stanley Gibbons 1997 06 25 5775-5777 Springbett, D. J. 87
pdf Barbados Pennymead Philatelic Auctions 1997 09 20 65 Davis, O. B. 230
Saint Vincent Heinrich Köhler 1997 09 23 38 EL
Barbados Spink 1997 10 14 57 EPS
Jamaica Spink 1997 10 14 Latto, C. 36 Specimens
Saint Vincent Spink 1997 10 14 Latto, C. 19 Specimens
West Indies - General Spink 1997 10 14 Latto, C. 194/1045 Specimens
West Indies - General Harmers (New York) 1997 12 10 2915 155/1514
Montserrat Harmers 1997 12 16 4664 Barwick, C. J. 112
Leeward Islands Maresch 1998 02 03 Tyacke, J. 79 Keyplates
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Maresch 1998 02 03 Tyacke, J. 92 EPS
West Indies - General R. Maresch 1998 02 03 Tyacke, J. 475/2789
Bermuda Phillips 1998 02 05 Alton, B. 68 Keyplates
West Indies - General Spink 1998 03 05 Griffiths, J. O. 313/1287 Leewards Group
pdf Cayman Islands Cavendish 1998 03 13 537-538 Clough, K. 85
pdf Grenada Cavendish 1998 03 13 537-538 Shepherd, A. 90
British Guiana Ivy & Mader 1998 06 16 27 Cottonreels
West Indies - General Spink 1998 07 16 ( Wood, H. ) 104/942 GB used in BWI
West Indies - General Corinphila 1998 09 13 51/7054 EL
Barbados Spink 1998 10 15 208
West Indies - General Spink 1999 03 11 ( Wood, H. ) 97/841 FACs, EPS
Bahamas Spink 1999 04 08 " Staircase (H. Sands) " 706
pdf Bermuda Spink 1999 06 22 1223 Ludington, M. H. 922
British Guiana Spink 1999 07 14 21 Preadhesives
Saint Vincent Spink 1999 07 14 Aleong, J. Chin 80 EL; EPS
Cayman Islands Shreves 1999 07 30 Stern, J. F. 26 Reg. covers
pdf Bermuda Cherrystone Auctions 1999 10 26 Dickgiesser, R. W. 221
Bahamas Spink 1999 11 09 Ludington, M. H. 602
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Spink 1999 11 09 Ludington, M. H. 249
West Indies - General Spink 1999 11 10 ( Ludington, M. H. ) 84/1467 PH, DLR keyplates
Bermuda Harmers 2000 02 10 4682 ( Dickgiesser, RW (ex) ) 180 Keyplates
Leeward Islands Spink 2000 04 06 49 EPS
pdf Bahamas London Stamp Exchange 2000 04 07 ( Proud, E. W. ) 186 PMC
pdf Bermuda London Stamp Exchange 2000 04 07 ( Proud, E. W. ) 79 PMC
pdf British Guiana London Stamp Exchange 2000 04 07 ( Proud, E. W. ) 293 PMC
pdf British Honduras London Stamp Exchange 2000 04 07 ( Proud, E. W. ) 80 PMC
Bermuda Harmers 2000 04 19 4683 ( Dickgiesser, RW (ex) ) 87 Keyplates
pdf Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Phillips 2000 06 02 30965 Challis, J. J. 65
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Spink 2000 07 20 96 EPS
West Indies - General Shreves 2000 09 15 Gibralter, H. and T. 185/1344 Rarities
Nevis Nutmeg 2000 10 18 Bowman, G. 41 1d study
Antigua London Stamp Exchange 2000 11 03 ( Proud, E. W. ) 31 PH
Virgin Islands London Stamp Exchange 2000 11 03 ( Proud, E. W. ) 28 PH
Bahamas Spink 2000 11 09 " Staircase (H. Sands) " Part II 164
Bermuda Stanley Gibbons 2000 12 14 5794 210
Barbados Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 ( Osdene, T. ) 104
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 Arch, B. 606 Keyplates, Censors
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 Danzer, R 606 Keyplates, Censors
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 Heap, R 606 Keyplates, Censors
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 56 PH
Saint Vincent Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 ( Osdene, T. ) 104 EL
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 2001 01 27 Dant, R. 1145/2519 War stamps
pdf Jamaica Phillips 2001 03 01 31031 " Amaryllis " 428
pdf West Indies - General Phillips 2001 03 01 31031 " Amaryllis " 816
pdf Barbados Phillips 2001 03 02 31032 Longley, P. 256
Bahamas London Stamp Exchange 2001 03 16 ( Proud, E. W. ) 127 PMC
British Guiana London Stamp Exchange 2001 03 16 ( Proud, E. W. ) 84 PMC
Virgin Islands London Stamp Exchange 2001 03 16 ( Proud, E. W. ) 17 PMC
Bermuda Spink 2001 03 22 " Chartwell (Sir H. Cripps) " 212 EL; EPS
Virgin Islands Spink 2001 03 22 " Chartwell (Sir H. Cripps) " 52 EPS
Bahamas Harmers (New York) 2001 04 25 2930 James, W. H. 56
pdf Barbados Phillips 2001 04 26 31060 Dent, GW 29 EPS
pdf Montserrat Sotheby's 2001 04 25 26th L01528 Batt corres. 37 EL
Saint Vincent Grosvenor 2001 05 23 3214 Spink, D. F. 139
British Guiana Shreves 2001 06 15 23 Rarities
West Indies - General Shreves 2001 06 15 Arnould, H. L. 86/1345 EL
Bermuda Stanley Gibbons 2001 06 22 5797 66
West Indies - General Matthew Bennett (New York) 2001 06 24 Rubin, M. D. 90/1039 Rarities
Trinidad Spink 2001 09 19 Marriott, Sir John 764
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2001 12 01 R.Skavaril 145 Caravels
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2001 12 01 Freeland, C. A. 373 Jamaica used
British Guiana Spink 2001 12 13 ( Ginger, G (ex) ) 131 EL
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Victoria Stamp Company 2002 06 21 ( Friedman, B. ) 59 EL
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 2002 06 21 Bell, F. A. 502/1811 GVI, incl watermark errors
Bermuda Bonhams 2002 09 11 55 GVI
Grenada C. Leski 2002 10 07 Druce, E. 61 Postal stationery
Tobago Matthew Bennett (New York) 2002 10 13 Shoemaker, R. 29
West Indies - General Grosvenor 2002 11 27 3217 Sussex, J.D.C. 224/2379 QV and KE keyplates
Saint Lucia C. Leski 2002 12 07 Druce, E. 45 Postal stationery
pdf Barbados London Stamp Exchange 2003 03 14 ( Proud, E. W. ) 29 PH
pdf Saint Vincent London Stamp Exchange 2003 03 14 ( Proud, E. W. ) 39 PH
Jamaica Cavendish 2003 04 11 638-639 Potter, I. A. 168 PH
West Indies - General Spink 2003 05 08 Frazer, W. 28/110 Rarities
Grenada Shreves 2003 06 27 Walker, W. D. 328 To 1906, manuscripts
Virgin Islands Shreves 2003 06 27 McCann, P. 123 PH
West Indies - General Harmers 2003 07 08 4713 " Koh-i-Noor " 266/1423 Specimen multiples
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2003 10 11 Bell, F. A. 575
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2003 10 11 Chalmers, NO 575
pdf Leeward Islands Pennymead Philatelic Auctions 2003 10 11 81 Oliver, M. N. 140 Small keyplates/postal stationery
Barbados Shreves 2003 10 17 Harris, F. D. 100 Britannias, booklets
pdf Bermuda Spink 2003 10 29 Leuhusen, Baron S. 334 Provisionals
Bahamas Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 113
British Guiana Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 151 Provisionals and covers
Dominica Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 63
Grenada Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 62 Overprints
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer , W. 51
Saint Vincent Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 69 PB covers
Tobago Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 22 Surcharges
Trinidad Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 72
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 97 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Spink 2003 10 30 Frazer, W. 1945 Overprints and surcharges
pdf Bermuda Warwick & Warwick 2003 11 05 544 Martin, E.B. 287 GVI keyplates
Jamaica London Stamp Exchange 2003 11 07 ( Proud, E. W. ) 98 Preadhesives
pdf West Indies - General Grosvenor 2003 11 19 3219 Goldblatt, S. 258/2642
Jamaica Cavendish 2003 11 21 648 Watson, K. J. 75 PH
Bahamas Cavendish 2004 03 05 651-652 Hoey, S. G. 340
West Indies - General Shreves 2004 04 03 Allen, N.M. 74/840 Rarities
West Indies - General Spink 2004 05 05 Sattin, G. 30/174 Soldiers letters
Virgin Islands Spink 2004 05 20 Frazer, W. 246
pdf Leeward Islands Pennymead Philatelic Auctions 2004 06 10 82 Oliver, M. N. 99 GVI flaws
Bermuda Shreves 2004 06 11 Gosling, M. 189 Keyplates
Antigua Spink 2004 10 21 Mayer, F. 404
Bahamas Spink 2004 10 21 ( Solomon, F. ) 553
Grenada Spink 2004 10 21 Bell, C. 210 Revenues
Saint Lucia Spink 2004 10 21 41 Rarities
Saint Vincent Spink 2004 10 21 ( Wood, H. W. ) 200 PB covers
West Indies - General Spink 2004 10 21 1578
West Indies - General British West Indies Study Circle (1974 to date) 2004 10 31 50 Rarities
Bermuda Grosvenor 2004 11 11 3221 ( Gompel, B. C. ) 29 Boer War
West Indies - General Cavendish 2004 11 25 664 " Culford (M. Jackson) " 36/1629 Falmouth packets
pdf Bermuda Sotheby's 2005 02 16 Baillie, Sir Gawaine 277 Keyplates
pdf West Indies - General Sotheby's 2005 02 16 Baillie, Sir Gawaine 1417/1504 EPS, mint multiples/rarities
British Honduras Spink 2005 03 09 12 Rarities
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Spink 2005 03 09 Cripps, Sir H 18 1881 provs.
West Indies - General Spink 2005 03 09 130/1381 Crowned circles, rarities
pdf Bermuda Grosvenor 2005 03 10 3223 " Apollonia (D.Sellman) " 756 GVI keyplates incl covers
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2005 05 07 Cammarata, C.J. 103 PH
Bahamas Spink 2005 06 15 Gilbert, Edward M. 49
Barbados Spink 2005 06 15 Gilbert, Edward M. 34
Bermuda Spink 2005 06 15 Gilbert, Edward M. 24
British Guiana Spink 2005 06 15 Gilbert, Edward M. 48 Cotton-reels
West Indies - General Spink 2005 06 15 Gilbert, Edward M. 3171402 Rarities
Virgin Islands Spink 2005 07 06 ( Cripps, Sir H. ) 84
British Guiana Grosvenor 2005 07 15 3226 Nathan, D. M. 175 PH; cancels
Saint Vincent Spink 2005 10 26 " Dallas " 43 Mint QV
British Honduras Spink 2005 10 27 Richards, S. 119
Bermuda Bonhams 2005 11 15 " Devonshire " 99
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2005 11 19 Delman, P. 365 GVI keyplates
British Guiana Victoria Stamp Company 2005 11 19 Nathan, D. M. 67 Postal Stationery
Cayman Islands Spink 2005 12 07 107 PH ex Watkin
West Indies - General Spink 2005 12 07 396/4168
West Indies - General Murray Payne 2006 00 00 Held or still hold sales that regularly offer good ranges of BWI material, while rarely or never meeting the criteria set out in the opening paragraphs:
Saint Vincent Spink 2006 03 02 Jaffé, P. I 733 Classics and cancels
Barbados Spink 2006 04 05 Ellis, R. 93
Barbados Spink 2006 04 05 ( Longmuir, PG ) 93
Bermuda Bonhams 2006 04 12 91 GVI keyplates
Bermuda Spink (Washington) 2006 06 01 ( Springbett, D. J. ) 14 Perots, GV keyplates
British Guiana Spink (Washington) 2006 06 01 17 Cotton-reels
Barbados Schuyler Rumsey 2006 06 02 ( Soloway, P. ) 112 Britannias
Jamaica Cavendish 2006 06 08 684 Watson, K. J. 161 PH
Nevis Cavendish 2006 06 08 684 Watson, K. J. 25
West Indies - General Victoria Stamp Company 2006 06 10 Larson, J. W. 72/1313 Postage Dues
West Indies - General Murray Payne 2006 06 30 ( Toeman, R. ) 200/533 GVI Rarities
Bermuda Spink 2006 07 11 ( Springbett, D. J. ) 65 Keyplates
West Indies - General Spink 2006 10 04 Jaffé, P. 935 Strong Grenada, Leewards group
pdf West Indies - General Grosvenor 2006 11 03 30 Tomkins, R. 271/856
Barbados Spink 2006 11 08 Jaffé, P. 215 Britannias
Tobago Matthew Bennett (Zurich) 2006 12 06 Ramkissoon, R. A. 113
Trinidad Matthew Bennett (Zurich) 2006 12 06 Ramkissoon, R. A. 368
Trinidad and Tobago Matthew Bennett (Zurich) 2006 12 06 Ramkissoon, R. A. 23 EPS
Saint Vincent Spink 2007 01 17 Jaffé, P. II 526
pdf West Indies - General Sotheby's 2007 01 17 Baillie, Sir G. 60/1716 Jubilees/Sperati forgeries
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2007 02 10 Osdene, T. 375 GV keyplates
Saint Vincent Victoria Stamp Company 2007 02 10 Frank, L. 255
Cayman Islands Shreves 2007 02 24 Maisel, R. 387
Saint Lucia Spink 2007 03 07 Jaffé, P 300 QV, French mail
Saint Lucia Argyll Etkin 2007 03 08 Crutwell, C. G. 103 Postal History
West Indies - General Western Auctions 2007 03 31 1013 1014 Gibbons, Stanley (stock) 672/
British Guiana Spink 2007 04 12 Nathan, D. M. 288
Jamaica Spink 2007 04 13 87
pdf Saint Lucia Grosvenor 2007 05 17 35 Filer, D. 94 QV specimens
West Indies - General Spink 2007 07 25 Cohen, D. 122/1997 WW1 War Tax
Bermuda Spink 2007 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 209 Rarities
Dominica Spink 2007 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 124 Preadhesive covers, proofs
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Spink 2007 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 26 Rarities
pdf Leeward Islands Grosvenor 2007 11 21 38 Spaven, M. 211 Keyplates
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2007 12 08 ( Ingalls Jr, R. H. ) 455 Military covers
British Honduras Victoria Stamp Company 2007 12 08 ( Yendall, E. P. ) 55 GVI stationery, censor PH
Grenada Victoria Stamp Company 2007 12 08 ( Yendall, E. P. ) 46 GVI 10/- study
Barbados Spink 2008 03 13 ( Longmuir, P. G. ) 47 Parish cancels
Bermuda Nutmeg 2008 03 18 " Hamilton " 304 Keyplates
pdf Saint Lucia Grosvenor 2008 03 18 39 Young, E. 52 QV keyplates
West Indies - General Spink Shreves 2008 05 13 " Sovereign " 169/684 Rarities
British Guiana Spink 2008 06 12 Nathan, D. M. 12 Rarities
West Indies - General Spink Shreves 2008 10 03 Gross, W. H. 55/138 Rarities
Saint Lucia Spink 2008 11 12 49
Tobago Spink 2008 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 22 Rarities
Trinidad Spink 2008 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 204 Rarities
Trinidad and Tobago Spink 2008 11 14 ( Wood, H. W. ) 20 Rarities
Antigua Victoria Stamp Company 2008 12 06 ( Hill, R.B. ) 86 QV
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2008 12 06 Porterfield, D. E. 168 Keyplates
Jamaica Victoria Stamp Company 2008 12 06 Larson, D. 110
Leeward Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2008 12 06 Larsen, P. A. 142 Proofs
pdf Bermuda Cavendish 2009 01 28 713 Osborn, G. A. 188 QV PH
British Honduras Cavendish 2009 03 18 728 Harper, Dr J. 168
Cayman Islands David Feldman (Geneva) 2009 04 28 38
Saint Vincent David Feldman (Geneva) 2009 04 28 75
West Indies - General David Feldman (Geneva) 2009 04 28 281/2792 Rare stamps
pdf Trinidad Grosvenor 2009 05 07 47 ( Wood, H. W. ) 57
Antigua Victoria Stamp Company 2009 06 06 ( Friedman, B. ) 32 Preadhesive covers
Leeward Islands Murray Payne 2009 09 29 184 GVI varieties
West Indies - General Murray Payne 2009 09 29 341/731 GVI
pdf Bermuda Grosvenor 2009 12 09 52 165 GVI keyplates
Anguilla Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 22 Village mail
Antigua Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 63 Village mail
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 McMahon, T. J. 156
Dominica Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 70 Village mail
Grenada Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Herendeen, D. L. 31 Postage Dues
Montserrat Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 10 Village mail
Saint Christopher/St Kitts-Nevis Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 50 Village mail
Saint Lucia Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Herendeen, D. L. 21 Postage Dues
Virgin Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2010 01 30 Wynstra, R. J. 27 Village mail
Antigua Spink 2010 03 11 Reid, A. 16 Rarities
Cayman Islands Spink 2010 03 11 Reid, A. 20 Rarities
Barbados Harmers 2010 04 20 4785 Deakin, F. W. 351
Bahamas Robert A. Siegel 2010 05 27 Walske, S. C. 20 Blockade runners
pdf Bahamas Grosvenor 2010 06 22 57 " Abaco (H. W. Wood) " 282 Rarities
Antigua Grosvenor 2010 09 06 240 Proofs
pdf British Guiana Grosvenor 2010 10 06 59 73 Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Grosvenor 2010 10 06 59 Davis, J. 220/1815 War Tax
Bermuda Spink 2010 11 17 220
Jamaica Shreves 2011 01 28 Mahfood, J. 345
Bahamas Victoria Stamp Company 2011 03 26 " Abaco " 189 incl unsolds
Barbados Victoria Stamp Company 2011 03 26 Larsen, P. A. 193 1902-1935
Montserrat Victoria Stamp Company 2011 03 26 ( Hill, R. B. ) 84
Virgin Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2011 03 26 " Simon, Max " 155
pdf Trinidad Grosvenor 2011 05 23 65 ( Wood, H. W. ) 40
Bermuda Spink 2011 06 28 " Chartwell (Sir H. Cripps) " 28 Perots, rarities
Virgin Islands Spink 2011 06 28 " Chartwell (Sir H. Cripps) " 13 Rarities
Bahamas Murray Payne 2011 07 19 19 GVI rarities
Bermuda Murray Payne 2011 07 19 48 GVI rarities
Bermuda Sotheby's 2011 09 06 Steinberg, Lord 120 Mint blocks
West Indies - General Sotheby's 2011 09 06 Steinberg, Lord 393/1618 Mint blocks
pdf Saint Lucia Grosvenor 2011 11 16 69 Rego, M. R. 58
pdf West Indies - General Grosvenor 2011 11 16 69 Oliver, M. N. 139/1494 De La Rue Colonial Keyplates
Barbados Victoria Stamp Company 2012 02 03 Hill, R. B. 380 Britannias
pdf Leeward Islands Grosvenor 2012 03 07 70 C. Farmer, J. A. 157
Bermuda Cavendish 2012 03 08 748 Osborn, G. A. 132 QV PH
Cayman Islands Spink 2012 04 11 Booth, G. C. 304
Cayman Islands Spink 2012 04 11 Byl, J 304
Bermuda Murray Payne 2012 07 25 ( Wenborn, C. ) 219 Varieties
Jamaica Cavendish 2012 09 19 753-754 Charlesworth, D. 63 PH
British Guiana Stanley Gibbons 2012 10 04 5868 " Arnhold " 70
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 2012 10 04 5868 " Arnhold " 660/1634
Barbados Murray Payne 2012 11 20 Hill , R. B. 71 GVI
Bermuda Murray Payne 2012 11 20 ( Wenborn, C. ) 181 GVI
Barbados Victoria Stamp Company 2012 11 29 Nethersole, M. J. 254
Leeward Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2012 11 29 Yendall, E. P. 184 GVI keyplates/postal stationery
Saint Vincent Victoria Stamp Company 2012 11 29 Nethersole, M. J. 116
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Victoria Stamp Company 2012 11 29 Freeland, C. A. 174
West Indies - General Stanley Gibbons 2012 12 05 5869 101/2039 Maritime mail
Leeward Islands Murray Payne 2013 03 12 77 GVI keyplates
Leeward Islands H R Harmer 2013 06 06 99 GVI keyplates, village cancels
Antigua Stanley Gibbons 2013 06 12 5872 82 Blocks, proofs
Saint Lucia Stanley Gibbons 2013 06 12 5872 111 Blocks, proofs
Bermuda Daniel F Kelleher 2013 09 19 138 Keyplates
pdf British Honduras Grosvenor 2013 09 25 84 93 Town cancellations
West Indies - General Regency Superior 2013 10 05 Cook, C. J. 391/2159 Mint singles
pdf Bermuda Spink 2013 10 22 Saul, D. J. 484 Rare stamps, keyplates, flaws
Bermuda Victoria Stamp Company 2013 12 07 H. Peniston, Rev. D. 181
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2013 12 07 ( Stewart, B. ) 97
British Guiana Spink 2014 03 12 " Foxley (C. A. Freeland) " 490 QV-GV
British Honduras Spink 2014 03 12 " Foxley (C. A. Freeland) " 300 QV-GV
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 2014 03 12 765 Hemmings, D. 431 PH, proofs
Bahamas Warwick & Warwick 2014 06 04 Levine 101
British Guiana David Feldman (Geneva) 2014 06 27 Pont, J. Du 130 Classics
Saint Vincent Spink 2014 07 09 20 Classic blocks
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 2014 09 10 769 Seaton, D. 89 Postal History
pdf West Indies - General Cavendish 2014 09 10 769 Seaton, D. 128/558 GB u abroad, Crowned Circles
Dominica Victoria Stamp Company 2014 12 06 Freeland, C. A. 320
Antigua Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 73 Essays, proofs
Bahamas Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 240 Essays, proofs
Dominica Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 71 Essays, proofs
Leeward Islands Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 36
Montserrat Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 63 Essays, proofs
Nevis Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 22 Rarities
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 97 Essays, proofs
Virgin Islands Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 107 Essays, proofs
West Indies - General Spink 2014 12 11 Vestey, Lord 737 Leeward Islands Essays, proofs
pdf British Guiana Victoria Stamp Company 2014 12 12 Freeland, C. A. 71 PH including censor mail
pdf British Honduras Victoria Stamp Company 2014 12 12 Freeland, C. A. 96 PH including censor mail
pdf Jamaica Cavendish 2014 12 12 772 Dewavrin, F. Piat 242 PH
West Indies - General Spink 2015 02 25 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part IV 59 Stamps, Rarities
West Indies - General Murray Payne 2015 03 03 " Libra (G. Fox) " 228/537 Bermuda, Grenada
pdf Saint Lucia Grosvenor 2015 03 11 94 " Trevol (J. Keegan) " 163
Turks and Caicos Islands (including Turks Islands) Universal Philatelic Auctions 2015 04 14 303 1881 Provisionals
pdf Cayman Islands Siegel/Shreve 2015 05 19 1098 Stone, G. 64
West Indies - General David Feldman (Geneva) 2015 06 24 " Tatiana " I 239/1952
Bahamas Warwick & Warwick 2015 09 02 Mason, L. 79
pdf Bermuda Spink 2015 12 10 Vestey, Lord 216 Pre-Stamp thru to KG6
pdf Bermuda Cavendish 2016 06 15 " Longtail " 194 Pre-stamp, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Censorship
pdf Bermuda Murray Payne 2017 03 13 Foxley (C. A. Freeland) 448 KG5 & KG6
St. Kitts-Nevis Spink 2018 01 23 Brookes, B. 691 Pre-stamp, GB Used In, Proofs, Stamps, Postal History
Bahamas Spink New York 2018 09 13 Wilson, David A 75 Proofs, Essays, Stamps
Bahamas Stanley Gibbons 2019 03 26 5905 Freeland, C.A. 315 Pre-stamp, Proofs, Stamps, Postal History
pdf Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons 2019 09 24 5912 Podger, D.J. 384 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs, Essays, Surcharges
British Honduras Spink 2020 01 29 Matheson, I. 167 Postal History, Stamps, Proofs, Essays
West Indies - General Spink 2020 01 29 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XIV 38 Stamps, Rarities
Bahamas Spink 2020 03 18 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " 67 Postal History, Proofs, Essays, Stamps
Leeward Islands Spink 2020 03 18 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " 29 Stamps, Proofs
St Christopher Spink 2020 03 18 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " 17 Postal Histpry, Proofs, Stamps, Rarities
Tobago Spink 2020 03 18 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " 9 Rarities
Jamaica David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 03 " Tatiana, Inc " 45 Proofs, Stamps
Montserrat David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 03 101 Postal History
St Kitts-Nevis David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 03 " Tatiana, Inc " 12 Colour Trials, Stamps
St Vincent David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 01 " Tatiana " 300 Stamps, Essays, Proofs
Bahamas David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 02 48 Postal History, Proofs, Essays
Cayman Islands David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 04 03 Podger, ex 16 Postal History, Proofs, Essay, Stamps
West Indies - General Spink 2020 07 15 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XII 50 Stamps, Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Corinphila 2020 09 07 253 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " Part I 52 GB Used Abroad
pdf West Indies - General Corinphila 2020 09 08 250 " Besancon " Part I 1043 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
West Indies - General Spink 2020 10 03 " Doyen " 17 Rarities
Leeward Islands De Montfort Stamp Co 2020 10 30 Northcott Part II 563 Stamps, Postal History
Jamaica Spink 2020 11 19 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " Part I 541 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
pdf St Vincent Cavendish 2020 11 30 ` 833 Williams 50 Postal History, Stamps
Bermuda David Feldman (Geneva) 2020 12 04 65 Key Plates
West Indies - General Spink 2021 01 20 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XIV 33 Stamps, Rarities
West Indies - General Argyll Etkin 2021 03 18 29 Proofs, Colour Trials, Essays
Barbados Spink 2021 05 05 131 Pre-stamp, GB Used In, Proofs, Stamps, Surcharges, Postal History
British Honduras Spink 2021 05 05 47 Pre-stamp, GB Used In, Proofs, Stamps, Surcharges, Postal History
Grenada Spink 2021 05 05 60 Pre-stamp, GB Used In, Proofs, Stamps, Surcharges, Postal History
British Guiana Sotheby's 2021 06 08 Weitzman, S. 1 British Guiana One Cent
pdf West Indies - General Corinphila 2021 06 08 252 " Besancon " Part II 1066 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Corinphila 2021 06 09 267 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " Part II 100 GB Used Abroad
Barbados Grosvenor 2021 06 16 142 Stupples, R. 67 Stamps, Postal History
Jamaica Spink 2021 07 14 " Dubois (Hugh Wood) " Part II 685 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
Bahamas Spink 2021 10 13 MacMurdie, P. 225 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Grenada Spink 2021 10 13 Pearce, T. 146 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Virgin Islands Spink 2021 10 13 Mallon, B. 33 Stamps, Postal History
British Guiana David Feldman (Geneva) 2021 10 14 " Imperium " 238 Proofs, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
Leeward Islands De Montfort Stamp Co 2021 10 15 Northcott Part III 298 Stamps
Cayman Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2021 11 06 Todd, E. 51 Stamps, Postal History
Leeward Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2021 11 06 Larsen, P. 104 Postal History
Leeward Islands Victoria Stamp Company 2021 11 06 " Pinehurst " 104 Postal History
Montserrat Victoria Stamp Company 2021 11 06 87 Postal History
Jamaica Stanley Gibbons 2021 11 17 5929 56 GB Used Abroad
Barbados Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 25 Proofs, Stamps, Rarities
Nevis Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 11 Stamps, Rarities
St Lucia Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 8 Proofs, Stamps, Rarities
St. Christopher & St Kitts-Nevis Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 11 Stamps, Rarities
Tobago Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 3 Proofs, Stamps
Trinidad Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 26 Proofs, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
Turks Islands Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 6 Proofs, Stamps, Rarities
Virgin Islands Eastern Auctions Ltd 2021 11 18 6 Proofs, Stamps, Rarities
West Indies - General Spink 2021 12 08 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XV 84 Stamps, Rarities
pdf West Indies - General Cavendish 2022 03 02 842 Gibb, B. 90 Stamps, Postal History, GB Used Abroad
Antigua Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 19 Essay, Stamps, Postal History
Bahamas Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 15 Proof, Stamps, Postal History
Barbados Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 76 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Dominica Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 22 Proofs, Stamps, Postal History
Jamaica Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 102 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
St Vincent Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 23 Proof, Stamps, Postal History
St. Kitts-Nevis Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 40 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
St. Lucia Spink 2022 04 20 " Libra (G. Fox) " 7 Essays
pdf West Indies - General Corinphila 2022 05 27 285 " Besancon " Part III 1195 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
Cayman Islands Stanley Gibbons 2022 06 15 5934 Booth, C.G. 278 Postal History, Rarities
West Indies - General Schuyler Rumsey 2022 08 25 Forster, B.D. 170 Proofs, Stamps, Postal History, Rarities
Bermuda Argyll Etkin 2022 10 07 Mitton, D 654 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Bermuda Argyll Etkin 2022 10 07 Pembroke 654 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Antigua Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 36 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Bahamas Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 17 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Barbados Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 9 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Bermuda Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 31 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
British Guiana Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 34 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Cayman Islands Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 45 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Grenada Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 2 Essay, Proof
Montserrat Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 24 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
St Kitts-Nevis Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 29 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
St Lucia Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 40 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
Trinidad Spink 2022 10 11 " Libra (G. Fox) " 14 Proofs, Essays, Stamps, Postal History
West Indies - Maritime Spink 2022 10 25 Booth, C.G. 556 Postal History, Ship Letters
Trinidad Victoria Stamp Company 2012 11 29 Nethersole, M. J. 184
Barbados Spink 2024 01 25 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XVIII 20 Stamps
British Guiana Spink 2024 01 25 " Lionheart (Brierley) " Part XVIII 79 Stamps, Postal History
Danish West Indies Heinrich Köhler 2024 03 14 " Baghira Collection, The " 204 Stamps, Postal History
pdf Montserrat Grosvenor 2024 03 13 157 Smith, Mike 64 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs, Essays
Antigua Eastern Auctions Ltd 2024 05 22 30 Stamps, Postal History, Proof
British Guiana David Feldman (Geneva) 2024 06 22 Ford, Peter (Part ex) 31 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs
St Vincent David Feldman (Geneva) 2024 06 22 20 Stamps, Postal History, Proof
Trinidad David Feldman (Geneva) 2024 06 22 Ford, Peter (Part ex) 38 Stamps, Postal History
British Honduras Spink 2024 9 24 Greenwood, Simon 332 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs, Essays, Colour Trials
pdf Bermuda Grosvenor 2024 9 25 Langton Hill 637 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs, Colour Trials
pdf Tobago Grosvenor 2024 9 25 Langton Hill 79 Stamps, Postal History, Proofs,
End of List